Chapter 2. Life

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"I am not done with you, come back right here you Moron" Taehyung shouted loudly at Jack as he flipped from the bet and declined everything to do but our Taetae is not having it.

"What do you think of yourself *smack* that you will loose*smack* and will let get of the bet*smack*and who do you think you are *smack* How dare you touch my friend *smack* you fu*ker" with every sentence Jack was counting the punches as he was on the receiving end. At the end his whole face was balck blue and Taehyung's knuckles were bleeding.

"I am s-sorry p-please l-let me goooo" Jack was pleading like anything just to get out of the hold of Taehyung and maybe to safe his life from him, you see Taehyung is a very easy going and calm headed person but when he is pissed off on something then pray you don't come to his bad side otherwise he is not gonna leave you easily. He friend of friends but he is enemy of enemies and his enmity is not everyone's cup of tea to handle.


Taehyung's  freshened  up face came out of his room and he looked for his friend Mike and he was no where to be found. He called him and ring went on and on but no one answered and then he grew worried that where the hell is he now at this time, it's not even his time for lectures, it's not until 11 am.

So he called Yunjun maybe he thought Mike would be with him?? No

No he was wrong Mike was no where not Yinjun as he heard other on the call that he did not see Mike after they parted way at night while he was heading to his dorm.

So where the hell that Mike has gone?

And suddenly a dinged was heard from his phone and a video was air dropped on his phone and he accepted the request and what he was made his blood boil like ferocious Tiger!

That was Mike in that video beaten upto a plump all taehyung could his face be black blue in shade because of punches he had received from non other than Jack and his group.The video was taken skilfully hiding resemblance of anybody who has beaten up Mike but Mike he himself told Taehyung who did that to him, How did he do that??

Mike and Taehyung learned some basic morse code just for the sake of fun and to learn something new that how people can communicate only with blinking they are not pros of it but somehow they learned how to say each other if they are in danger they made a code for it and just in case if something happens they would be able to help either by blinking or tapping so that they can plan their next move to save themselves. Now Tae can see it really came in handy.

Taehyung did not waste anytime he rushed to the place where they kept Mike and found him in very bad condition but the good thing was he was breathing.

He did not waste time and rushed to the hospital carrying him on his back and putting him securely at the back seat, Mike was injured and unconscious.
He just wished Mike would come to his senses and be safe.

As soon as he rushed hospital Mike was sent in emergency room and later was shifted in the ICU after the treatment Doctor told Tae that Mike have severe concussion and two fractures on his left arm and Right knee and maybe he will  take time for recovery and have to be bedridden for almost a year.

One thing that happened good was he will come into consciousness in few days and he was not in danger, that made Tae relieved for a bit.

"I will not leave that ba*tard  Mike I will teach him a great lesson that he would learn it for his entire life that to NOT MESS WITH KIM TAEHYUNG"

~~~~flashbacks end

So here he is making Jack's life a living hell. Jack was beaten up but he was also thrown out of the university and he made sure of it.

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