Chapter 3. Who is she?

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As days comes near it was now only 2 days left where Ismat will be starting her university life.

Ismat was ready for the challenge but she was afraid of losing her father in the process, they both were and is each other support system and they cannot thrive without each other.

"Ya ALLAH please give my Abbu strength to face this challenge and make it easier for him and you are As-Saboor the most patient one please give my Abbu patience that he would live peacefully when I am gone"

Ismat was not feeling unwell because of this hectic situation and chose to take rest for a while and then she would pack her stuff. Hamza knocked on the door of her daughter's and she let him in. "What is my little one doing?"

Ismat smiled and said "Abbu I was resting a bit and then I was going to start packing the stuff and nothing else, do you want something from me?" Ismat looked at Hamza in a very cute questioning way.

"No my precious daughter I just come to spend some time with you and maybe I could be a help to you as well, will you mind if you're Abbu pack your bags for the university" Hamza replied in a most delicate voice.

"Abbu you don't need to ask that, you don't need permission for doing what you want?! and yes I need help to pack the books could you bundle them up and help me pack them?"Hamza smiled lovingly looking at her daughter that how well mannered she has became? How polite her voice is? And How Cute she looks asking for something? He was endeared by his daughter! She has all the qualities of her mother which again made Hamza a bit vulnerable that her wife was a pillar to him and when his daughter became his support system a way of life for him to live and now she will also leave him after 2 days, oh how cruel it was for a father and husband to loose both of his precious people.

People will find it exaggerated that Ismat is just going for her studies and Seoul is not so far from Ulsan but it is far. It doesn't help when you have such a big house to live alone without any members of the family, he has ALLAH with him all the time, but here his daughter is everything to him. He is so afraid to let his daughter go but at the same time he doesn't want regret that he didn't let his daughter study where she wanted. Because Islam allows Woman and girls to have education first.He cannot do such wrong thing to his precious daughter.

"Sure why not? Tell me where you kept the bag I will pack the books for you" Hamza smiled half heartedly and Ismat showed him where she kept the books and bags and hurriedly Hamza started the work.

"Abu do you remember that one time when I slipped and sprained my ankle?? And you panicked and carried the whole house on your head!! As if something severe happened?"

Hamza smiled lovingly reminiscing that memory Ismat was 10 years old and Amina was cooking in the kitchen for the dinner and it was time for Hamza to come home from work. Ismat was playing in her room and wanted to see her Mama and hopped happily on the stairs and slipped her leg while skipping on it. Ismat cried hard because her leg was painful and it got awfully swollen.

Amina came running from the kitchen to look up at her daughter and Hamza entered house as well and when he was about to greet his family and he saw his precious daughter was wailing because of pain and was not able to handle it, Ismat got afraid of that sprain being serious she have broken her ankle.

But if you would have seen Hamza you would have thought what happened to him? And Now Amina was calming both Father and daughter duo because Hamza was also crying looking at her daughter's ankle, it was funny as well endearing that how much Ismat really mean to him. "Do not remind me, please I get embarrassed how I was behaving!!"

They both laughed and lighten the mood and suddenly Hamza asked Ismat "Are you really happy?"

Ismat suddenly stopped thinking for a minute and it felt like she was in trance remembering if she is really happy? the answer was Yes she is happy of whatever she have and smile bloomed her face "Alhamdulilah Abu I felt so much happiness that I can't describe in words my dreams will come true and I will be more satisfied if I get good grades.Nothing else matters to except you and ALLAH"

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