Chapter 8: Tutor

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Respect and Dignity are most precious qualities a person hold dear to them. They would tolerate injustice here and there but some have very uptight way of living and won't take their self respect for granted. Just like Taehyung. This person is most dignified in his own way and won't tolerate any one's disrespect towards him. His personality is proven to be one of a kind. But problem is he is lost on his way of truth.

His friends Mike and Yunjun have always admired him for the same reason. He is not double faced python who will come at back and will bite you, Rather he will be a stone cold person and be straightforward with you if you did check his vibe you will be met with a softie who has smile of million bucks.

A popular guy with so many fan following and so much of arrogance and ego, now have fallen in love with a woman who he only admires from afar. Never in his life he thought that this would be 'the scenario of his life' . He was used to people admiring him and falling in love with him but it came as a surprise to him that he also has a heart that beats for a person now!! It's damn hilarious to him now.

After so many ups and downs, he is finally here accepting everything with himself that Yes He Is In Love With A Muslim Girl. But what is the use she could never be his, Can she now? Will she date him? Will she understand him? Or will she accept him how he is?

Too many questions and Kim Taehyung is helpless and Coward. He does not want to approach her, but also fears that she will be someone else's, which he will not be able to comprehend with!! Now What Shall He Do???

A good news he heard 2 days back after Yunjun's bullying that Mike will back in the university fit and fine—-walking on his legs.
He was on cloud 9 when he heard this news. Happily did his goofy dance that he will be reunited with his best friend.

The D-day finally came for the tutoring that his professor asked about and he happily agreed with. He will be in vicinity of Ismat—the love of his life. Taehyung is a very decent gentleman and he would make sure that Ismat would not face any problems rather all her problems get solved but only by him.

Taehyung's whole wardrobe was out on bed as he was selecting for the piece of clothing he would be wearing, because we know the reason so let's move on!

First of all Taehyung has scattered everything in his room. All the new clothes he shopped for has been delivered yesterday so that he can impress Ismat of course. This man is confused as to what he should wear so he would get attention from his love??  The dilemma was almost got solved when he decided for all black wear but then decided otherwise because he wanted to look approachable not giving signals of Do Not Disturb.

"Ahhhhhh, fu*k I am getting late and still I have to decide what should I wear?? Why am I being like this?? I am going mad sh*t my toe !! Ahh it hurts" He stubbed his toe into the bed because it got hidden by his mountain of clothes.

Finally after whole 1 hour 45 mins later Taehyung decided to wear something formal. He came out from the bathroom wearing a cream colour shirt tucked in the brown pants as he should give vibes of being a tutor. Finished his look with his favourite Cartier Watch, Satisfied with the look he exited his house.

 Finished his look with his favourite Cartier Watch, Satisfied with the look he exited his house

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