Chapter One

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High school sucks. That's a given. Every teenager feels that way, even if they don't want to admit it. You spend hours a day surrounded by people who will likely mean nothing to you in a few years but imagine high school while being surrounded by the children of the greats. I'm not talking celebrities or politicians. Not even saints or philanthropists. Dealing with their kids would be so much easier.

I am growing up amongst the Avenger's Offspring. Literally the greats. The saviors of the world, complete with their own kids now. All growing up and going to school together. Because it's too dangerous to send us to a normal school. To risky, not just for us but the other students. So instead we get stuck together. Like a private school but way weirder.

Thor's daughter, Torunn, literally has the blood of Gods running through her body. Morgan Stark inherited her father's brilliant mind as well as her mom's ability to shut down any stupid ideas any one might have, Henry and Cassie Lang both have access to the Pym Particle, but Cassie is off doing her own thing with a few of the older kids like Kamala Kahn and Kate Bishop. James Rogers has the Super Soldier serum in his blood. Azar is in line to take on not only the throne of Wakanda, but the mantle of Black Panther as well. Sofia Strange is training to be just like her parents. The Barton's are the only ones with out some sort of power, powered tech or genius but they most of them are much older than the rest of us. Lila has taken over her mom's roll as Agent 13, Cooper is high in the S.H.I.E.L.D. ranks as well, Nathanial took over the family farm. And then there is Francis, the youngest Barton. He goes back and forth on his decision weekly. He trains with us but has never taken it seriously. But serious or not, he has always been a good friend. We have different priorities in life but still seem to get along well. The list goes on and on, name an Avenger I know their kid, their powers, strengths, and weaknesses. They are my friends, and I love and respect them but it doesn't make growing beside them any easier, especially when you're one of two without super powers or super tech.

Which leads to me. I'm as close to normal as one can get living full time around the Avengers and their kids. Unless you count not being able to feel. You've heard of congenital insensitivity to pain I assume? Take it a step further and you've got me. Not only can I not feel pain, I can't feel the sun warming my skin or the cool breeze nipping at my nose. I can't even feel the touch of someone I care about. I can tell when my feet hit the ground, or back hits the wall, but it's muted. More like I just know it happened, not really feeling it happen. Makes for interesting training sessions when I can't tell if one of my peers has done damage. S.H.I.E.L.D. calls it impressive and useful. My parents call it concerning. I call it isolating. For as long I can remember I have been unable to feel, Stark helped create sensors to notify me if I get injured. Even just a. Finger prick and it alerts me. But I hate it. All it really does is remind me just how messed up I am.

Then there is parentage. Most of the kids have one parent in the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. I've got both. Don't get me wrong, since the day they brought me home they have been incredible parents. They have given me everything I could ever want or need, and shown me more love than I probably deserve. And I love them just as much, I'm proud of them. They were handed rotten lots in life and changed them. But they were gone a lot, and it was hard as a kid to be worried about both. That each mission could be the last time I saw both parents. To be alone during those stressful moments wasn't easy, it's not something I'd want any one to be forced to go through.

I spent a lot of time either at the Barton's home or the Roger's home while my parents were away. Clint Barton helped bring my mom out of the red room and they've remained close friends ever since.

Dad was Steve Rogers' best friend bother during the war and before it. Until he fell off the train while trying to capture Doctor Zola. He was found by Hyrda, they turned him into the Winter Soldier. He was used by Hydra and the KGB to change the way the world was going. Taking out targets and never getting caught. And then training the Black Widows. That's where he and mom met the first time. Sometime in the 60's he was on lone to the Black Widow program to help further train their best students. From what I hear mom stood apart from even the best. She caught on quickly and didn't argue. When they first started training together things happened fast. They spent their nights sneaking into each others rooms but once they were caught the Winter Soldier was removed from the Black Widow Program and he was wiped and prepared to move to a new mission. But mom never forgot. She graduated the program shortly after and her prize for doing so? A serum to reduce her aging and a hysterectomy to prevent the chance of a 'mistake.'

In the Shadows of Legends - A Winter Widow StoryWhere stories live. Discover now