Chapter 10 - Who Are You?

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Having Miguel's eyes on you while you danced only made you even better.

Everyone went wild for you, your dancing bringing in a lot of money.

Once you were done you walked down from the stage and towards the bar before a man stopped you.

"Pretty special, aren't you? I bet Miguel keeps you pretty close." He said placing his hand on your hip.

You pointed at a sign behind him that said 'no touching the dancers.'

"Oh, come on. I'll pay you a fair price, baby." He said as you rolled your eyes and pushed him off you before walking away.

He grabbed you again before Miguel noticed and stormed over.

He grabbed the man's arm and threw him onto the floor.

"No one touches my dancers, everyone here knows this. Get out." He growled as you stood behind him.

"Everyone knows you're a fucking human trafficker!" He shouted as you eyes widened, two security guards rushed in and grabbed him.

The commotion started to cause a bit of a stir before Macy rushed in and took you out the back.

"Fucking hell! This fuck head's going to ruin our entire operation." She cursed as you rubbed your head.

"Just when I think things are going somewhat smoothly." You grumbled before you heard a noise and looked behind you to see one of the dancers holding a knife.

"I knew there was something off about that man." She growled as your eyes widened.

"Woah... Easy. Grace, right?" You asked as she nodded a little and came further.

Macy stepped in front of you.

"There's a lot going on that you don't understand, Grace." Macy said as Grace gripped the knife and moved closer.

"The police are already on their way! How do you think they'll react to you protecting a human trafficker and murderer?" She growled as you stepped out from behind Macy.

"Grace, please just settle down and stay out the back until the police come, okay? No one needs to get hurt." You said as she looked at you.

Suddenly a gunshot went off and you watched as blood stained Grace's costume.

You stared at her in shock before she fell to the ground, dead.

Macy grabbed you and ran as fast as she could upstairs, she shoved you inside of a closet and locked it.

"Macy, wait! I can help!" You screamed, banging on the doors.

"Be quiet, don't make a fucking noise, Y/N. I'm a cop, you're a civilian, it's my duty to protect you. It's the other gang, they've gone for revenge. Just stay quiet." She demanded as your breathing quickened.

"Okay... I'll stay quiet." You whispered before everything went silent.

You covered your mouth and kept quiet, your body shaking in fear as you heard screams and gunshots.

Suddenly you heard a bang on the closet door and covered your mouth even more.

"Y/N, baby. It's me." Miguel said as you quickly unlocked the closet and jumped out.

You hugged him tightly as you tried to not cry.

"It's a whole fucking mess... We have to go, okay?" He said as you looked at him, fear evident in your eyes.

"Where's Macy?" You asked as he took your hand and started dragging you away.

"No! Miguel, wait! We need to get Macy!" You shouted negore you heard the click of a gun.

Miguel quickly shoved you behind him as you looked in front to see Macy holding a gun.

"You piece of shit, Miguel." She growled as you stared forward in shock.

"Macy... What are you doing?" You asked as she looked at you, her tough exterior melting a little.

"Y/N... He lied to you." Macy said as you looked at her in confusion.

"Don't listen to her." Miguel growled, you had no idea what was going on.

"You took advantage of her, you took advantage of me!" Macy said, she was about to shoot before Miguel pulled out his pistol and shot her.

You screamed and tried to run to her before Miguel stopped you.

"No! Let me go!" You screamed before he covered your mouth with a cloth.

You cried before slowly passing out.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, baby."

Miguel O'Hara Club Owner auWhere stories live. Discover now