Chapter 5 - More Than Meets The Eye

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You were in your apartment thinking about Miguel.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't attracted to him, but it had to be dangerous to get involved with him.

Still... You were still a woman with a beating heart and you could help but think about what he would feel like.

A man had never made you come before and you knew Miguel could.

Just as you were about to indulge in your fantasies you heard a knock at your door.

You groaned and got up to answer the door but no one was there.

You had an odd feeling and grabbed your phone.

You dialed Miguel's number and it went to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Y/N. I know I'm probably being paranoid but I had someone knock at my door but no one was there. Like I said I'm probably..."


Miguel sat in his office listening to the message you had sent, it had cut off but he wasn't taking any chances.

He got Macy to take over and ran to your apartment, he saw your door broken open and quickly ran inside to see your apartment was trashed.

"Y/N!" He shouted running around in a panic.

"Fuck..." He muttered before finding a note on the ground.

He looks at it with anger and scrunched it up.

"Fuck me!" He screamed throwing it to the floor.

It was from a rival that ran a human trafficking ring as well.

Miguel wasn't surprised something had happened after only your first performance.

Hence why he had given you the name Siren.

He made his way back his office and grabbed a gun.

Macy looked at him in shock.

"We got a problem, sir?" She asked as he grabbed a hand gun and tossed it to her.

"I'm afraid Y/N has found out the secrets behind this place too fast. The vixen has her." He said as Macy looked at him in shock.

"I'll get dressed."


You woke up feeling sore as you groaned and sat up, you looked around to see you were in a dimly lit room that looked more like a cell.

You began to panic as you closed your eyes and tried to calm down.

Thousands of thoughts ran through your mind as you did your best to not cry.

Suddenly you heard a noise and looked up to see a woman and two men staring at you.

"I saw your performance the other night, dear. Miguel was lucky to snap you up so fast." She said as you looked at her with confusion.

"Who the hell are you!" You shouted making her laugh.

"You'll learn better respect than that... You know, maybe I'll keep you to myself. Have you as a reward for my men at the end of the day." She said with a twisted smirk on her face.

"What the hell is this?" You growled as she entered the cell and looked down at you.

"Oh, sweetheart. You don't know do you? He didn't tell you." She said as you looked at her with even more confusion.

"What are you talking about..."

Miguel O'Hara Club Owner auWhere stories live. Discover now