Episode 1.1 (season 1 begins here; updated version)

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Letters from Princess Celestia

In Canterlot, well...more like the throne room of the castle at Canterlot, a majestic anthropomorphic alicorn, sitting on her throne, looking at the five letters that she has written for the ponies to help with the celebrations in a few days from now. In front of her thrones are her guards, maids, butlers, two spies, and lastly her two assassin/messenger. All of them, bowing down to their princess to get the report.

Celestia: "as you all know, in two days from now the summer sun celebration, meaning my sister will be coming out of the moon."

The ponies in the room starts asking about the preparations for the celebration, all at once. The princess puts her hand up to silence them all.

Celestia: "don't worry about the preparations for it. It'll be in Ponyville this time instead of Canterlot."

The alicorn princess levitates the five letters and both the messenger and assassin gets confused when it's going to them. Both of them start examining the five letters.

???: "so, you want me and derpy to give the letters to these five people tomorrow?"

The now named Derpy looked at the letters thoroughly with her derped eyes, but gets confused on why she needs her with the assassin.

Celestia: "is that a problem, Moon Dancer?"

The now named Moon Dancer mentally sighs, knowing she'll pull an all-nighter. Although, she wouldn't mind pulling all-nighters, but, there are times she needs a break, since she basically got out of the library to figure out who snuck into the castle a few weeks ago, and even then she's left with no evidence.

Moon Dancer: "no, not at all your highness."

Celestia: "alright, everyone is dismissed for today."

Everyone in the room nods their heads and leaves the throne room. Derpy can tell the assassin is still tired, from the way Moon Dancer yawned quietly and the way she looked during the meeting. Derpy walks next to Moon Dancer and softly nudges the tired twilight pallet swap lookalike. The assassin quickly looks at Derpy and noticed the concern look the messenger is giving her.

Derpy: "are you ok?"

Moon Dancer: "yeah, just pulling another all nighter again. *chuckles* I should be used to this though. *shakes my head* knowing me, though *yawns* I haven't had any sleep lately since Celestia is having me look for that book."

Derpy: "which one?"

Moon Dancer: "Death's 3rd book that has been stolen."

Derpy's derped eyes widen and looks at Moon Dancer, who nods her head.

Derpy: "do you think someone actually snuck in here just to get our wife's book?"

Moon Dancer: "*sighs* I'm not sure. I mean we know Lightning was a very secretive and protective person when it comes to things she's created or wanted to hide, but-"

Derpy: "we also know that she never trusted us either, remember?"

Moon Dancer: "*sighs* I know, you don't have to remind me Derpy."

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