EPISODE 4: Whoooaaa

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"Oh My Gosh! bitch get up." Kp said playfully, while covering her mouth with widen eyes.

When ivori punched the senses outta hoodbaby head she went to punch again but security grabbed her by the arms before she could.

INT MONAE: She tried to do her big one and got dropped, no shade. I wanted to laugh but i couldn't even do that.

Everybody in the house was screaming and yelling about it, especially liddy and her crew.

"One swing, like what." Hoodbaby said to somebody, behind security now going near the couch.

I see liddy, pressure, and savannah mimicking hoodbaby and all i could do is laugh at the thought of hoodbaby.

INT LIDDY: When hoodbaby fell out, i fell out, literally.

"One swing!" Lexi yelled.

"I told yall, yall better leave me alone." Ivori said while lifting her booty shorts up while pacing around.

"That's actually, moe!" I said laughing loud. "That's outrageous!" I said jumping while laughing, beside lexi.

"Y'all better leave me alone dog! Yall bitches better leave me alone!" Ivori repeated, while yelling at the camera. Then she starts muffling something while yelling. "Bitch!"

"Alright baby, calm down boo" I said playfully while laughing while putting my hands out.

"Let me out! let me out!" Ivori said pacing, while the girls talk over each other.

"That was fast, that was fast bitch." Lolly said right next to me.

Ivori paced over to where fly niy was. "My hand fucked up on my soul, watch out." She said now walking over to the door where security was blocking. "Move please."

"You could breathe." Lolly said.

As the security looked at the door handle about to open it ivori walked away pacing again.

"I can't get the memory out my head where hoodbaby bonnet went this way." I said to fly niy, moving my hand one direction. "And her head going this way." I said moving my hand another direction. Making fly niy and both me laugh in the moment.

Then we all hear this white man voice calling ivori. "Ivori, ivori." He said calmly.

"She boutta come out, hold on." I said moving my hands while slightly yelling across the room while everybody was still talking.

"Y'all want that, yall want that, yall want that." Ivori repeated about to put some mouth guards in her mouth.

Lexi then walks out the room about to get ready and fight monae. I go out wit her to see my friend beat a big ass bitch like monae, no shade.

Lexi walk out the door squaring up with monae getting straight to the point and punching.

Monae grab the back of lexi neck making lexi do the same while still punching.

For a few seconds they was turning, about to move into the bookshelf with no books in it, but stays in the balance.

Lexi gets from monaes hands behind her neck and starts punching the back of monaes head hard.

Monae swings lexi to the couch, making lexi trip over the edge of the couch.

Security gets monae from one part of the room while another set of security pick up lexi, opposite from monae.

"Bitch." Lexi said plainly while getting up, with security behind her. "Let me go." She said with security now holding her back.

"No, one more, one more!" Monae says from across the room.

"Let me go." Lexi kept saying plainly, while security still had her in their grasp.

"One more she was talkin about my kid, one more she was talking about my kids." Monae said, repeatedly.

"Okay, let them go." Production said making security move out the way for the to do they fade.

"Lexi you better do yo big one talkin bout people kids, especially." I said, pointing at her while her attention was focused on monae.

INT KP: Me i don't like people talking about kids just randomly, like out of nowhere, your daughter's a bitch, your daughter looks like this! and your daughter looks like that! Boo let's talk about something else, that's all they could say. I wouldn't talk about peoples kids out the blue, i'm a adult basically, i've matured, but if somebody talk about my kid first, oh best believe ima do the same shit i don't give no fucks.

Monae gets up closer to lexi making monae punch first and then start punching each other.

for some reason it looked like monae was hugging her at some point then started punching again, the. putting her fist up not punching, then start punching again and the just pushing her into the couch. like sweetie was going on!

They on the couch and monae is like on top of lexi and just punching the side of her arms, like her you on top, get some fave shots at least.

Security take monae off of lexi and as they take her off her i look in the corner of my eye and see monae spit on her.

INT KP: Bitch that is trifling, disgusting, just, oh my gosh, what kinda grown women are you to spit on somebody! you was already on top of her, i think that was enough.

"Oh hell no, i know you didn't-" I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"She spitted on me, what the fuck!" Lexi yelled loud, while on the floor.

"That's wild.." I said looking behind me seeing security take the dark-skinned girl away.

"No spitting on somebody!" Isaiah said looking at lexi.

"Like for real." Lexi said plainly, but loud, while putting both of her arms up.

"How, how, how." Monae repeated, beside hoodbaby.

"Girl, why would you do that, that's trifling." I said to monae walking over to sit on the couch that was in front of the tv.

"I did not spit on that bitch!" Monae yelled.

"Bitch i literally felt it what the fuck are you talking about, let's be for real now." lexi screamed making monae put her focus back on lexi, while lexi wipes her cheek that the spit was throned on.

A/N: hey yall sorry this one's really short but it seemed like some people was rushing me to write this chapter so i couldn't really make it longer so it's obviously gonna have to be a part2... and the next part gonna come out like on the 24 or js when i feel like it🤷🏽‍♀️.

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