Part : 14 Fulfilled wishes!

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"Why the hell I can't go out?" asked Jin zixun rubbing his back.

"Listen don't step outside the Array or else the statue gonna eat you alive!" exclaimed Lan Jingyi.

"Don't panic everyone, as long as the array is fine it won't cause any harm!" told Lan sizhui.

Both new Twins Jade of Gusu Lan take their seats back as people also started to fell relax after some time.

Then again, a naturally-formed statue being so similar to an actual human was enough to make most people gasp in awe.

"Awe? It's creepy af!" exclaimed Wen xu as he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe people got taste like that idiot Wen chao!" mumbled Wen xu.

Lan Jingyi lifted and lowered the compass of evil, but its pointer still didn't move. A thick layer of incense ashes covered the table for offerings, and disordered candles lay on there as well. A sickly sweet scent came from the plates for holding fruits. Most of the people from the Gusulan Sect had some degree of minor mysophobia. He fanned at the air in front of his nose and spoke, "The locals said that it is quite effective to pray at Goddess Temple, but how can it be this ruined? They should at least come and clean once in awhile."

Lan suzhui spoke, "There has already been seven people who lost their souls. Everyone is saying that lightning has let out a fierce creature from the ancient graves of Buddha's Feet, so would anybody dare to come up the mountain? There is no attendance at the temple and so, naturally, there is nobody to clean the place."

"Atleast there is one Lan disciple left in future who knows how to behave!" mumbled Lan qiren as he started to take a liking to Lan sizhui.

"I heard it! Zu shufu" exclaimed Lan Jingyi with an smirk although Lan qiren didn't paid attention.

A disdainful voice came from outside of the cave, "It's only a stupid rock, given the title of a goddess by who-knows who, and people dare to put it here, accepting incense and worship!"

Jin ling came inside, with his hands crossed behind his back. The time limit for the silence spell was not long, so his mouth could already open. However, nothing nice came out of that mouth of his, as he looked at the goddess statue and humphed, "These rural villagers don't work hard when they face difficulties, but instead pray to the Buddha and other things every day. There are thousands and millions of people in the world, but gods and Buddhas are already hands-full with their own matters, so who would care about them? Let alone a powerless goddess without status, like this one. If it's really that effective, then I'm gonna pray for the soul-consuming creature in Dafan Mountain to appear in front of me right now. Can the statue do it?"

"Jin ling you really need to know when to shut your mouth!" shouted Jiang cheng.

"Jiujiu hmm!" Jin ling hide behind his mother barely replying.

"You shouldn't wish for anything that will cause you harm!" exclaimed Jin zixuan gently and Jin ling face bloomed with happiness as he nodded his head aggressively.

A few cultivators from smaller clans came in behind him, and everyone laughed right after hearing him, agreeing with his words. The originally quiet temple became bustling with noise, after the group of people had rushed forth, and the space also seemed more cramped. Lan sizhui silently shook his head, turning around and glancing without any aim. His gaze landed on the head of the goddess statue; the features of a compassionately smiling face could vaguely be seen.

Yet, he felt a strange sense of familiarity toward the smile, as if he had seen it somewhere before this.

Where on Earth had he seen it before?

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