Style's Of Love

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Style's of love and we go round and round each other, I got the red lip classic looks that you like...
We never go out of style, we just keep moving while trying on all the new style's...
I'm trying on this dress, trying on these shoes...
Style's of love, I'll be a mess when I break the news...
But at least all these style's of love, I'll be loved...
Style's of love and I'll be single and I'll rock it like I'm a country girl dancing to the music...
I'm going to do what I want, I'll be single and you'll have a little surprise...
I'm picking out this dress and I'll be trying on all these shoes...
Style's of love and I'll be rocking that stage with country music playing from the stereo...
You belong with me...
Style's of love and I'll be kissing you by the campfire singing country songs and having a blast with you...
Style's of love...
But it's because I want to look good for you...
Style's of love, but I put on this dress, only for you to take it off... because I want you and your heart because I love you...
I'm into you...
I'll be single and rocking those country looks...
I'll be rocking in all the country looks and singing to you, but darling, there's no going back, let's do what we do best...
Let's sing and dance the night away...
Me dancing in the country outfits and you'll dance with me, don't you see the starlight?
Stop worrying about things you can't control, just be yourself and rock the style's of love...
Because in the style's of love, I've fallen in love with you, watching you dance with your beauty so natural...
Baby, you're heart is mine ..
Because in all those style's of love is the reason I fell in love with you...
You're style's of love is everything I needed...
Because you're mine...
In those Style's of love make you shine...
Baby you're style's of love, from the way you look tonight, you'll shine on forever in those Style's of love..

The New Romantic's Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now