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Chapter seven

"Don't have to punch our way out." 

Standing in the dojo, they all were now wearing gi's as they faced Sensei Lawerence "junbi!" he voiced, as they all put their arms to their sides "bow." he then told them as they did so "fighting positions." he told them, as everyone got into position, he began to walk around as he went up to Hawk and kicked his leg out fixing his stance "stabilize your base Hawk." he told him, as he put up his fists "keep your balance, full rotation when you strike." he added on as he threw a punch as he brought his hands down "yes, sensei." Hawk told him as he threw a punch, Sensei Lawerence then turned around although as he did, one of the boys flinched.

"Did you just flinch, virgin?" he asked, as the boy remained completely still, Sensei Lawerence turned to the one next to him and moved like he was gonna go at him and the boy also flinched "holy shit, we've got a room full of flinchers." he said "yes, sensei." everyone voiced, except for Letty as she furrowed her brows, knowing that was not a good thing "that was not a question!" Sensei Lawerence voiced, as he stood in between the front line and the second, looking at them all "raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face?" he asked, and as Letty looked around almost half the room were raising their hands.

"Put your hands down." Sensei Lawerence told them, as they did so, he began walking back up to the front "all your lives, you've been avoiding fight's, so you don't break your nose, or lose a tooth, this concussion nonsense." he shared, as he made it back up in front of them looking at them all "so, there's only one solution and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face. Ms Diaz, line em up. Un flinch this group." he told her as he walked off "yes, sensei!" Letty voiced, as she turned around "raise your hands again." she told them, as they all did so.

Letty walked over to the smallest one in the group as he looked right into her eyes, she swung her fist and punched him right in the face as he fell to the floor, everyone then began lining up behind him, where as the boy got up off the floor holding his nose, the next one stepped up as Aisha stood next to Letty with crossed arms, Miguel walked away and into Sensei Lawerence's office as Letty punched the next one "next!" Aisha voiced, as the boy was holding his mouth as he pushed himself off the ground, the next one stepped up as Letty punched him in the face and then the next one walked up as she punched him.

Then Letty punched the next one and then the next one and then the next one and then the next one "don't be a pussy! Next!" Aisha voiced, making Letty chuckle, as the next one to step in front of her was Hawk "hey." he told her, smirking, as Aisha looked between the two with furrowed brows, Letty raised her brows "you flirting with me so I don't punch you in the face?" she asked him, as Hawk shook his head "nah. After watching all these losers getting punched in the face by you, I was waiting till it was my turn, knowing I would take it like a champ end not a pussy." he shared, and when he did, Aisha started laughing "seriously? That's all you got?" she asked.

As Letty shook her head "yeah, no, even if I wasn't instructed to punch you in the face? If you said that to me in any other setting as your pickup line, I would punch you." she shared, as Hawk huffed "damn it." he said "better luck next time." Aisha told him, as Letty swung her fist and punched him, although online before he went flying back and down onto the met, Letty brought her hands up to her face in shock as Aisha's eyes were wide "oh!" everyone around them voiced "he's okay!" Aisha voiced "is he?" Letty asked her, not knowing if he was "I'm okay." Hawk said, as he groaned, getting up off the mat.

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