15. Don't Kiss Me Like That Again

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"I can't go another day choking back, I love you, I feel it in my shoulders when i breathe." Trista Mateer // The Dogs I Have Kissed


"Em let's go we're gonna be late." I urged as she rifled through my wardrobe; I'd told her she could borrow some clothes for our case today as her showing up in yesterday's outfit might raise some questions.

"I'm gonna hit him JJ I swear." She replied, I sighed, she was never going to forgive Will for this was she? It's not that big of a deal. "Can I wear this?"

She brandished a white sweater at me, not looking back, one hand still searching my wardrobe.

"Yeah... yeah that'll look good." I nodded, I haven't worn that sweater yet, she'll probably look better in it and anyway.

She hesitated, seeming to debate getting changed in front of me.

"I can leave the room Em it's okay." I said, seeing her small hesitation and not wanting to make her any kind of uncomfortable.

"No, no you're okay. You saw it all last night anyway." She breathed out a small laugh before slowly pulling her arms out of her shirt. My eyes flicked around the room unsure as to where I was allowed to look. Ideas of last nights dream running through my mind, she was everything I wanted and I couldn't admit it. She pulled the pyjama t-shirt from over her head, dropping it on the floor next to her. I felt her eyes on my face, almost daring me to make eye contact with her.

I looked up from where I had been staring at my hands. She was so gorgeous, I wish I could tell her again, this was easier when I had drank half a bottle of wine.

"Em..." I murmured, trying to keep my gaze on hers, my eyes threatening to look down her chest, her body.

"Mm?" She mumbled back. Her hand reached out to take mine. "Here..." she guided my hand to run over the scar on her stomach. God her skin felt like fire against mine, I wanted to pull my hand away, it seemed so wrong but there wasn't a chance i was going to move.

She held her hand over mine still, dragging our hands over her chest. My breath hitched as my hand ran over her bra, dark green lace, it was gorgeous against her pale skin. I squeezed gently at her breast and she let out a small sigh of content.

She let go of my hand, allowing me to explore on my own terms, her own hands finding their way to my waist. I ran my fingers lightly over her collar bones and back down to the curve of her waist and over her stomach She was stunning.

"Em... I-." I murmured, my fingers moving up to her neck, her jaw. I ran my thumb over her lip and watched as she took it between her lips. I gasped quietly feeling her tongue run over my thumb, sucking gently. "Emily..."

I knew it was wrong to be letting her do this to me, for her to reduce me to this mumbling mess.

She released my thumb from her lips, allowed saliva to run down her chin. She was still pretty, even like this she was gorgeous. This was so wrong for us to be doing, it needed to stop, it should've stopped, I should stop this.

My breathing faltered as her hands found their way under my dark blue shirt, kiss me kiss me kiss me please.

Her face edged towards mine, please let her kiss me, her hands squeezed at my hips.

"JJ..." she murmured softly, her lips inches from mine, this felt familiar, "Jayje we're so late..." Dammit.


"I'll see you tonight." Will murmured against my neck before kissing the side of my mouth roughly.

"Yeah..." I breathed, refusing to look him in the eye. I couldn't. Not after what had happened with Emily, I should be feeling guilty, I should feel like a terrible girlfriend, like I did that night we kissed. But I don't. All I can feel is a longing need. I can't admit it.

Can You Tell I Haven't Slept Very Well Since We Last Spoke? - A Jemily FanficWhere stories live. Discover now