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Me and Johnnie are currently at Maria and Jaspers, he's asleep but my mind is keeping me wide awake.

I lay down next to him with a huff and squeezed my eyes shut, trying my hardest to get some sleep.


I was in a hospital sitting in a chair next to a bed, a huge oxygen mask covered the person in the bed's face.

I stood up out of the chair and walked by their head, I moved their red hair out of their face to see Johnnie.

I screamed in horror as I looked at his bloody bruised face. I heard a beep, my head snapped toward the heart rate monitor as it went flat.

Somebody walked into the room with a knife, they were just a... Void.

I tried to run but they grabbed my waist, slicing my throat.

End of dream

I sat up out of the guest room bed and gasped loudly, I scrambled for my phone. I turned it on and shone the light on Johnnie, he was okay.

"Oh thank god..." I breathed out, pulling him into my arms, he was half asleep and his hair was messy making him look ten times cuter.

"Nightmare? It's okay, it's normal for a situation like this" He comforted, kissing my forehead. I let out a sigh of relief as he held me.

"Can you smell that? It smells like...onion?" He questioned, I nodded. Now that I thought about it, it did kind of smell weird.

We both looked at each other with concern before standing up and intertwining our hands.

We walked in unison out of the room to check the smell, I could hear a hissing noise coming from the kitchen.

"Its probably- Wait Johnnie, do you hear that?" I asked, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say.

He nodded before walking toward the sound.

"I'm going to wake up the others, I've got a bad feeling about all this..." I told him as he nodded.

There were two gas pipes in this house, one in the kitchen, and one in their room. If there was a gas leak then they'd be the one's in trouble.

To be honest I don't know why they still shared a room if they had an extra, I guess they just missed the feeling of home.

When I walked in, I saw them both asleep in their bed. As I walked up to wake them up I heard a something metal drop.

I gasped as I looked down and saw a black figure crouched down in the corner. I tried to run but they grabbed my hair and held me with their hand over my mouth.

"If this is what kills me your going down with me Rosie" The voice I knew so well taunted.

I cried as I realized who it was, it was Paul. I tried my hardest to get away from him but he just held me tighter.

Johnnie was going to die all alone and it was all my fault.

If I had just never tried to get away this wouldn't have happened, all of my favourite people were going to die.

This apartment block was going to blow up and kill everybody in it, people lived here with their families, with their children. They lived on the bottom floor.

I heard a loud bang making me scream. I felt hot against my face, making it. I felt my consciousness slip away from me.



W-What's happening?

Am I dead?

Beeping filled the air around me, I could hear voices. My eyes cracked open, I could see Johnnie and many doctors and nurses in the room.

They were trying to keep him out but he protested, pushing them away.

"She's awake" A doctor announced, a nurse came over to me and sat on the bed.

"Your lucky to be alive, it's a miracle actually" She smiled, her nametag read 'Ashly'.

"C-can he come in?" I questioned, I tried to lift my arm but it felt stiff and sore.

Ashly walked over to the people trying to keep Johnnie out and whispered something down his ear, he nodded and let him through.

"Fucking dick...", He mumbled as he walked past him.

"Oh thank god you're alive" He said, tears falling down his face, as soon as he hugged me I could feel intense pain shooting down my body.

"Johnnie... Stop" I cried, he looked hurt but understood. I wanted to just burst out in tears and sob.

"You were out for a while, 2 months" The doctor with the name Ted informed me. Wait 2 MONTHS!?

My face immediately turned to one of anger.

"2 MONTHS!? I HAD A WHOLE TOUR PLANNED OUT!" I sobbed, I cry when I'm angry, it's just something I do.

"Listen Roslyn, your ex- foster parent Paul Williams attempted to murder you and you're friends" Tex informed me once again.

"Wait, what happened to Jasper and Maria? Are they okay?!" I asked frantically, the woman called Ashly smiled once again.

"They're both fine, the only ones who were affected were you and Paul" I huffed angrily, why did he get to survive that?

"We'll let you have some time" The doctor said, as they all left the room.

"You should get some sleep Rose" Johnnie told me, I nodded as he walked over and got in the bed next to me, being careful not to hurt me.

He wiped the tears from my face as he kissed the top of my head, whispereing sweet nothings down my ear.

We stayed like that until his heartbeat finally soothed me to sleep.


Shocker but anyway don't forget to vote!

Love you guys<33

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