Chapter 42 - Scared

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Author's Pov:

Days went by and Y/n never left her brother and father's bedsides. Jeongin was constantly by her side and their mother was broken.
The pair showed no signs of improvement and it began to worry everyone.
Christopher was especially worried with his wife being 18 weeks pregnant with their first child. Mass amounts of stress are not good for pregnant women. It can lead to bad things...

".....Chris??" Y/n called from the bathroom with a weak voice. "What's the matter??" He asked as he made his way to the bathroom.
The sight that met him when he opened the door was terrifying to him.
Y/n was sat on the toilet with blood stained underwear.

"Chris... I-i'm bleeding..." She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.
His heart dropped further.
"When did you last feel the baby move??" He asked nervously.
"Yesterday evening when I put Felix's hand on my stomach." She said.


"Nurse!! Nurse!! My wife is bleeding can you do something?? Some tests maybe??" Chris asked desperately. He had cleaned Y/n up, put her in a nightgown and period underwear before carrying her to the hospital wing. The nurse in question was the one who had been doing their scans since the start.

"Oh dear!! Of course I will, bring her to the scan room immediately!!" The nurse said with urgency and deep concern.

"Right, let me see... There's the baby." She said apprehensively as she scanned Y/n's baby bump. Chris watched eagerly.
The nurse turned on the button for the heartbeat to sound throughout the room and....

thump, thump...
thump, thump...
thump, thump...
thump, thump...

"Oh thank god!!" Y/n sighed in relief. Chris collapsed back into his chair and ran his hands through his hair.
"The baby is thankfully healthy, come back to me if the bleeding doesn't stop." The nurse said politely.
Chris immediately stood up and helped Y/n out of the room after thanking her.

"Please take me to my dad and Felix..." Y/n said weakly as she held back tears. Chris nodded and lead the way.
The rest of the day, the married couple cried and comforted each other. It was a stressful time for both.


Y/n's Pov:

It's been 2 days since our scare and the bleeding has stopped. I'm currently sat on Felix's bed talking to him.
He may still be unconscious but I just hope he can hear me.
Since the incident a week ago, neither of them have woken up. The nurses say that their conditions are stable.
With Dad being injured and unable to work, Mum being heartbroken, myself being pregnant and Felix also being injured; Jeongin has had to step in to help.
It has been stressful for my younger brother as he was 3rd in line to the throne so he hasn't had much experience yet. I have helped him myself, although he has to take the lead and make any necessary public appearances, which luckily hasn't happened yet.

"Lixie... I'm 18 weeks and 3 days today, I wish you could see how big my bump is now... I can't hide it unless I wear Chris' clothes now..." I chuckled softly as I spoke to my unconscious brother. Changbin was sat next to him on the bed as he cuddled him. He has been a wreck over this whole situation.
"I've got so many pretty maternity dress that I wish you could see, I've just started wearing them." I whispered as I tucked his soft blonde hair behind his ear.
I picked Felix's hand up and placed it on my stomach and I felt the baby kicking again. Such an amazing feeling after what happened recently.

"Changbin..." I said suddenly. "What?! What's the matter?? Are you okay??" He asked worriedly. "I swear I just felt his hand move." I said slowly.
Changbin gasped.
"Felix?? Lixie?? Can you hear us- Are you awake?? Move your hand again if you are!!" Changbin said as he sat up and held his boyfriend's other hand.
We both gasped when we felt his hands move again.
"Lixie!! Please wake up!! Try for us please!" I said in hope.

His eyes slowly fluttered open but he struggled due to the bright light of the hospital wing.
He groaned as he moved his head to the side.

"Oh my sweet baby you're awake!!" Changbin sobbed as he hugged him. Felix however looked extremely confused.
He went to speak but couldn't and he raised his hand slightly. I immediately got a cup of water for him and helped him drink it. Once he had, he found his voice again.
"What happened??" He mumbled with a frown. His voice was very croaky and hoarse.

I then explained everything to him whilst Changbin rushed around to inform the nurses and the family about Felix waking up.
"Oh my- I do remember what happened now." Felix said softly.
The nurses carefully did their checks on him while my brother, mother and husband rushed into the room all at once.
"Oh my sweet baby boy, you're okay!!" Mum sobbed as she cradled him in her arms. "I-it's okay Mum, I'm alright." Felix said. Then it was Innie's turn to hug him.

After a few minutes, they separated. "What actually happened then Lixie??" I asked.
"Well, I went to go to the toilet to top up my makeup and I saw Dad walk outside all by himself. I was confused on why Mum wasn't with him, so I followed. He went down to the fountain and across to the river. I saw a strange man meet him and I began walking towards them. I had a strange urge to protect Dad and I was right. The guy started punching him, finally knocking him out. I think I might have screamed but I definitely know that I ran straight over. The last thing I remember though was being hit in the head and falling to the floor." Felix explained.

"So that explains why he told you that somebody wanted to talk with him outside." Chris said to my Mum. "Yea, he said that the person was a guard. The guy must've fooled him." She said as she tried not to cry.
"It's okay Mum, there's nothing any of us could've done. Thank god Changbin did what he did." I said as I comforted her.


We stayed with Felix for the rest of the evening until dinner time. Most of that time was spent with Felix being fascinated by my baby bump. Even though I am still the only person who can feel the baby kicking, it's so special to all of us.
When we went down to dinner, we informed Hyunjin that Felix had woken up and he immediately went to get Seungmin so they could both visit him.


"Ugh, I can't wait to get into bed!!" I exclaimed as Chris and I walked into our room. "Neither can I baby." He said as he locked the door.
"You look so pretty." He said as I brushed my hair in-front of the mirror. "Thank you sweetheart." I smiled softly. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Baby has been kicking all day today." I said as I took my makeup off. "Oh really?" He asked as his hands lay on my bump. "Yea, they are a proper wriggler now." I giggled.

Suddenly, Chris gasped.
"What?!" I said as he startled me.
"Oh my god-" He whispered as his eyes welled up with tears.
I turned around in his arms and held his face in my hands.
"What's the matter darling??" I asked.
"I felt the baby kick." He said as he began to cry. "Oh sweetheart." I cooed as I hugged him close to me.
We stayed like that for a while and his hands rested on the sides of my baby bump.
"Ugh I love you both so much." Chris groaned as he stopped crying.
I giggled before kissing him passionately. "We love you too." I said. He beamed with joy before kissing me again.

Once kiss lead to another and we ended up making out in the bathroom. Myself sitting on the edge of the counter and Chris stood between my legs.

Word Count: 1385.

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