Chapter 53 - My Sweet Baby

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Chris' Pov:

The entire time that Y/n was in labour, I was beyond stressed. Seeing the love of my life in so much pain was unbearable. However, I knew that I had to be strong for her, after all she is the one pushing the baby out.
I had noticed at one point that she was sweating a lot so I constantly made sure to dab her forehead with a tissue and offer her some water. My heart almost burst when she said that she felt the urge to push. I knew it wouldn't be too long until we met our beautiful baby girl.

After around 10 minutes of Y/n pushing with every contraction, the midwife spoke up."I can see baby's head, you're doing great."
I perked my head up when she said this and shuffled around the bed so I could see. I was in awe at seeing new life being brought into the world.
Felix and Jeongin stood near as she pushed. I held her hand to comfort her and to give her something to squeeze.

"The head is out, give us another push." The midwife said encouragingly. I winced as Y/n was whining to cope with the pain. It was more of a scream to be honest which made my heart hurt.
"There's the shoulders." The midwife told her reassuringly.
I looked over to my brother-in-laws and they were in awe seeing their niece being born. Felix was crying.

I dabbed Y/n's forehead with a tissue. "Are you okay? Are you coping well?" I asked. "I'm okay, just a little more pushing now." She said with a wince and a deep breath. I adjusted myself again so I was still holding her hand but I could see the baby coming out. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I blinked them away.
Another contraction came and she pushed again, the baby was finally out.

This was definitely one of the proudest moments of my life. This and marrying her, the most beautiful woman I know.

Cries filled the room and she let her  head fall back onto the pillow in relief. The baby was placed on her chest and she gazed down with a look of pure love and adoration in her eyes. I immediately began crying as I saw her rubbing the baby's back with the towel that was already placed on her chest for that exact moment.

"Congratulations Princess, you have a baby girl." The midwife said with a warm smile.

Y/n began crying as she looked down at our baby and then up at me.
"I am so proud of you, you're one of the strongest women I know." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.
I looked over to Jeongin and Felix who were sat back in their chairs. They watched us through thick, joyful tears.

A  nurse came over and put a clamp on the umbilical cord, another handed me some medical scissors. I smiled and took them, proudly cutting it, separating Y/n and the baby.

Our baby was then taken away to the opposite side of the room to be weighed, measured and checked. I then looked down to Y/n who was looking at me.
"I love you." I said as I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"I love you too." She replied.

The midwife said something about checking for any tears, however I was more concerned with fussing my amazing wife who had just given birth to our daughter. I cupped her face and she leaned into the touch. "I'm so proud of you." I whispered as she pushed the placenta out, the final part of the labour.
The nurses came over and tidied her up before putting a weirdly large pad on her.
"Why have they put a nappy on you? Shouldn't that be going on the baby?" I asked in confusion. Y/n laughed and so did the nurses.
"Babe it's for when I start bleeding." She giggled.
"Bleeding??" I questioned. "Didn't I tell you? When the placenta goes, it leaves a dinner plate sized wound... plus it's like a huge period I'll have because I didn't have one for 9 months." She explained.
My jaw dropped and I hugged her. "Women never cease to amaze me." I uttered, making Y/n and the nurses laugh again.

Another nurse brought the baby over to us again, so I helped Y/n sit up comfortably. Our baby was placed in her arms all swaddled up with a cute little hat on.
The nurses left the room and it was just the 4 of us and the new baby.

"She's so beautiful Chris."
"She's gorgeous, just like her mother." I told her as I kissed the crown of her head.

"Our little baby girl, Avery Bahng." She whispered as she stroked her chubby cheek with the tip of her index finger. I smiled and my eyes welled up again.
Felix and Jeongin gasped and cried when they heard her name, they were the first to know apart from ourselves.

"Her name is Avery?" Felix asked. "Yes Avery Rose." Y/n responded. Jeongin smiled. "That's a beautiful name." He complimented.
"Thank you." She said.
"We will recover now and be the messengers." Felix said triumphantly as he stood up, putting his hands on his hips. Y/n giggled and nodded. "Can you tell Mum and dad and Chris' family please?" She asked. "Will do, anyone else?" He asked. I looked at Y/n and nodded. "Hyunjin, Seungmin, Changbin, Minho and Jisung." I listed out.

Jeongin whistled. "We have our work cut out for us dearest brother." He joked as he patted him on the back. "Don't complain when our sister literally just gave birth!!" Felix argued.
Y/n shook her head and laughed as they walked out of the room.

"You wanna hold her?" She asked me, I immediately nodded. After dragging the chair over to the side of her bed, I lifted Avery from Y/n's arms and sat down. I got comfortable and stared at her tiny face. Her nose was so petite, her ears as thin as paper. I noticed she had long eyelashes and chubby cheeks. Her lips made her look like a doll.

"She's so perfect Y/n." I said, not even realising that I had begun crying. Avery woke up and looked at me, her big brown eyes just like my own. She yawned cutely and her little hands bawled up into fists against her chest as she stretched. I gasped in awe and cried a little more. "I love you so much Avery." I said as I kissed her tiny forehead. She gazed up at me for a while and then went back to sleep as I bounced her in my arms and patted her bum. I looked up at Y/n who was crying. "You look so good as a Dad Chris." She said as she wiped a tear away. I smiled and felt my ears go warm. "Thank you babe... you look good as a Mum you know?" I teased her back.

After a while of admiring how cute and perfect my sweet baby girl was, I put her back into the hospital bassinet. Y/n needed help with getting to the toilet.
"That's it, I've got you my love." I reassured her as I held her hands as she waddled to the bathroom. It took a few minutes to get there but she did it.
Once she was back in the bed, Avery was already crying. I got her from the bassinet and handed her to Y/n. I watched as she fed her yet again. "Newborns like to be fed every hour or two don't they?" I asked. "Yeah around that... I'm gonna have a nap after she's done. I'm so tired." She yawned.

And with that, I was burping Avery and rocking her gently back to sleep as Y/n went to sleep herself.

Word Count: 1342.

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