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Jisung was swaying back and forth on the swing for a while trying to think of what to draw.

He did little doodles here and there but that wasn't satisfactory.

Minho on the other hand kept stealing glances at jisung every now and then.

He remembered him.
In fact, he never forgot about jisung and always wondered how the younger was doing after he lost contact with chan.

Jisung was Minho's first crush and in a way, he doesn't think he could ever move on. Sure they only saw each other once but, a crush is a crush.

He finished the poem he was writing sooner than he expected.
He read it and his face contorted into a shocked expression, because the person he wrote about, was jisung.

Jisung was looking around the park for inspiration and his eyes just so happened to find it. Or rather, him.

Maybe jisung would give it to him after he's finished, if he felt generous enough.

Halfway through his drawing, jisung got caught looking at Minho.

"You're staring." Minho turned to him saying with a lopsided grin.

"So were you but I didn't say anything, now did I?" The younger sassed back.

"And for good reason, you're beautiful." Minho felt like he achieved something big when jisung became a flustered mess.

"Do you flirt with everyone you meet for fun Mr stranger?"

"No, just the pretty ones." Minho was looking at him, but jisung wasn't, in fear that he'd say something stupid to the incredibly handsome boy next to him.

Jisung scoffed.

Minho chuckled, "I'm just kidding...what's your name?"

Jisung was still being salty, "you don't get to know that now."

Minho smiled at him, because for some reason, anything jisung did made him feel warm inside.

Silence once again engulfed the pair but Minho wanted to keep talking to jisung.

"What are you drawing there anyway?"

"You." Jisung answered without hesitation, stunning both himself and Minho.

Suddenly aware of how he quickly said that, he tried covering it up to not seem like a weirdo.

"I mean, I couldn't really find anything else to draw at the moment and you were right there so I just decided to and- I'm gonna shut up now..."

Minho felt like teasing him, "are you any good?"

You could've just heard the smirk in his voice when he asked that.

Jisung looked at him once again, though only for a brief second, "I'll let you be the judge of that if I show you." Jisung countered.

Ten more minutes passed by and jisung finally looked up from his sketch book, fully, to smile at Minho.

There was a familiar feeling accompanied by sparks when he really took in the sight of minho, not just small side looks.

His mouth got dry and he gulped when Minho broke into a grin so pretty, he instantly felt all hot and bothered.

Jisung then stared at his pencil as if it was the most interesting thing and thought, 'i must be crazy', but he wasn't... because-

Minho felt it too.

Minho has had a couple relationships before, however, something was always missing.

But today, today he's sure he found that missing something.

Well, more like, rediscovered.


Pls idfk what I'm doing anymore.

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