The race for the chaos emeralds

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Eggman base

Mecha and Silver Sonic appear in front of Eggman "well I don't blame you both for not stopping Sonic and his annoying siblings but I didn't take into account that they would have a fourth member on their group" he said as he pic up a drill. "Forgive me my lord I didn't taken account that they would have another member with them" Mecha Sonic said as Eggman help him on his feet "there there Mecha unlike my other worriers you always put what you got in order to complete the mission" Eggman said to insult Silver Sonic which annoys Silver Sonic "my lord aloud me to continue searching for the emeralds" Mecha said but Eggman shake his head "you need repairs as well as Silver Sonic I'll send my three other robots as well as the two bounty hunters to search for the emeralds" he said as three robots and two unknown individuals show up.

 "Forgive me my lord I didn't taken account that they would have another member with them" Mecha Sonic said as Eggman help him on his feet "there there Mecha unlike my other worriers you always put what you got in order to complete the mission" Eg...

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Sleet and Dingo

Decoe, Boco and Bokkun

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Decoe, Boco and Bokkun

Eggman turn his attention to the bounty hunters and the bots while Mecha Sonic literally drag Silver Sonic to the workshop to that they can be fix "you better find the emeralds Sonic, his bothersome siblings and an unexpected guest are searching as we speak" he said. Sleet the wolf smirk "no problem Robotnik me and my friend here will get those emeralds" he said "excellent and to insure your success I assign three of of my bots" Eggman said "oh and by the way if you do failed to capture the emeralds then I'll have to hire someone else like that sniper guy I heard about" he added which caught Sleet off guard "I will succeed Fang has nothing on someone like me" Sleet said as he and Dingo left with Decoe, Boco and Bokkun as well as Eggman badniks.

With Sonic and co

Sonia is scanning the area with her tablet while Tails is giving the biplane a bright red coat of paint "for goodness sake how is it so hard to find a powerful energy signature" she said in annoyance as she type away in the tablet. Manic chuckle "perhaps your tablet is getting outdated" he said leaning against the plane which the paint is still. Sonic was about to say something but Tails stop him giving him a chuckle. Sonia frown "I have you know this tablet has help more times then Sonic smashing Silver Sonic into scarp and that's a daily mind you" she said pressing the tablet in Manic face then resume looking at the tablet when a notification pop up it's a news report about a mining operation involving Eggman bots and two bounty hunters. Sonic look at his siblings and Tails "well well looks like egghead found another emerald" he said rubbing his nose "well what are we waiting for" Sonia said "the mining site isn't far from here" with that Sonic and co race off to the mining site.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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