God Has Forsaken Us, So We Forsake Him

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The stench filled the dark, wooden room, permeating every porous surface. Magdalene lowered herself to the floor, gracefully sweeping her long skirt beneath her as she sat upon the frigid floor. She looked across the low table to the handsome man, who had orchestrated the entire affair. Xavier's smile was soft as he gently gazed into Magdalene's earth-coloured eyes with his own jades. He gently kissed her pale hand softly then lifted the lid from the silver platter.

The platter itself was intricately carved with vines and thorns around the edges. The vines upon the handles desperately clung as if they were children clinging quite desperately to their parents. Upon the glossy surface were two items: half a pomegranate and a rotting lamb.

Xavier went first, taking the pomegranate in hand. Once they burned this bridge there was no going back. He quickly scooped out half of the seeds and ate them, not once wincing at the sour taste that mixed with the sweet one. Then, while studying Magdalene's face very carefully, he tore off a part of the rotting lamb, rotten flesh and blood staining his ivory-coloured teeth.

Magdalene went. Her slender fingers picked up the items, crimson lips parting like the red sea, and she ate. It was done.

God Has Forsaken Us, So We Forsake HimWhere stories live. Discover now