Chapter 7

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"Mira, dear it's looking dreadful out there. I think it might be best if you head home early before the roads gets more snowed in" Mr. Graham's concerned head peers around book displays out the front store windows.

Joining Mr. Graham, I observe the reason for his concern. The snow really did come down faster than anyone anticipated. The street seems to be vacant of people as the snow falls down in big fluffy clumps. That lake affect snow looks absolutely beautiful but piles up fast. "I think I'll take you up on that" I sheepishly smile while I start collecting my things. My poor Toyota Corolla is going to be like the little engine that could out there. "Have a good evening and be safe Mr. Graham" I tell him while making my way to the door, stopping to hear his last words.

"Don't you worry I'll lock up early and head to the apartment upstairs. There's not many who will be venturing out for books right now" he smiles and waves bye.

I step out the door into the night. I stand for a moment to collect my thoughts and watch the snow endlessly fall. I really should be high-tailing out of here but anyone will tell you that when it snows, it is so peaceful out. It's this small moment where everything is quieter than ever. Even though science is the reason, it's still magical. After a deep breath I trudge through snow to clean off my car and get it warmed up. "Almost forgot". I quickly grab my phone to send Nadine my "sudden" change of heart about coming home after work and put the car in drive to head to the library. The sound of slipping wheels catches my attention just as I realize I've gotten no where. I shift gears and try to reverse my car but it leads me to the same outcome. My stubbornness wishes I had a shovel to dig my car out and make my cowardly escape to the library like I planned but I don't think my car is going anywhere tonight. Begrudgingly I call Nadine in hopes she can come rescue me.

"Heyy are you almost to the library?"

"Uhh well no. My car is snowed in. I'm in front of my work still. Can you pick me up?"

"Oh no you poor thing you must be so cold! Elias is going to the store for some quick food to heat up so I'll send him to come get you. His SUV will be safer anyway out there. I've heard there was a few accidents today so I'd feel better". I can't even argue with her when she sounds so worried.


"Oh okay tell him thanks. I'll just wait here then" I awkwardly laugh.

"Okay see you soon! Love you bye"

"Love you too". Gosh she is the sweetest.

Waiting wasn't all that bad. It was nice to have time to get my freak out over with after the sudden news that I'll be alone with Elias. Again. Before I know it his SUV is pulling into the parking lot with ease. Dang, Nadine was definitely right. I need to get rich suddenly and get me one of those. My attention jumps at hearing a car door close.

"Hey get in quick I've got the heat on blast" Elias quickly says after walking up to me. He grabs the stuff I'm carrying without thought and carries them back to his SUV. "You coming?" He turns back to me and quirks a smile.

"Ye-Yes" I quickly walk to the passenger door. Elias puts my stuff in the backseat and gets himself settled and buckled then watches me do the same. "All set" I squeak out. The SUV starts moving and it is quiet other than the low sound of a playlist Elias has on.

"You hungry?" Elias voice breaks the silence, momentarily confusing me by his question.

"Actually yes I haven't eaten since this morning" I meekly say.

He nods while facing the road. "What dinners do you like?"

"Nadine had mentioned getting something easy so we can get some frozen pizzas or something"

"You haven't eaten since this morning. Now what do you like?"

"Oh I don't know. I'm not picky though" I say while deciding that whatever is out my passenger window is really interesting right now. My face flushes pink at his assertiveness.

"I know what I'm going to make you"

"You do?" I can't hide the curiosity and surprise as how definitive he said it. Like it was the only option that was right.

"Yep. But we have to get ingredients for it at the store. Will you help me?" He flashes me a smile.

I can't even help the big smile that answers his as I get excited at this little adventure. Maybe it isn't as bad as I thought being alone with him. He hasn't brought up last night, although I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing but I will take those smiles meant for me in anyway I can get them. My body feels warm and fuzzy. The silence is a comfortable one now and I like that.

"Alright there's not a lot of ingredients to get but we need to get some bread to go with it" Elias voice trails off as he eyes all the aisles. The squeaking sound of a shopping cart leads us as I keep up with him and listen to the ingredients he's listing off. Slowly we venture up and down the aisles. He picks out garlic cloves like life depends on it. He picks up something called "gnocchi" and tries his best to explain that is like a potato pasta or dumpling. I'm intrigued by his movements picking out ingredients. I knew Nadine loved cooking and learned from her father but it seems maybe Elias did too. After buying everything for dinner along with some bottles of wine we drive home...I mean to my house.

I mean to my house

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