Chapter Ten - Pregnant?

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Namjoon pov,

The first thing in the morning like Jungkook said we went to the doctor. On the way there I could feel my anxiety getting worse with each passing second

After the tests were taken we were told to wait for the results. I am very scared of the outcome, I don't want to know the truth. What if Jungkook's mom was right, what if I was pregnant

No that's not true, it was just a one-time thing, that can't lead to pregnancy right?

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the doctor was already back with the results. The smile on her face said it all before the paper was even opened

"Congratulations Mr Jeon, your husband is three weeks pregnant," she said to jungkook before handing him the papers who was overjoyed

I just sat there shocked as I felt my whole world crashing down on me. I felt like crying as tears build up in my eyes but I blinked it off

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry it's not the end of the world

I kept repeating in my head to be strong and not show weakness but failed to keep them bottled up when a single tear rolled down my cheek, I was quick to wipe it off before anyone sees

Well, it's over now, how do I tell my dad? He would be crushed if he knew how I got pregnant

I won't tell him about this yet till the right time


On our way home, Jungkook was blasting with happiness and he didn't try to hide it. He kept talking about how excited he was when he heard the news, how happy he was to be a Dad for the first time and so on

I on the other hand was the opposite, I just sat there with a forced smile behind my sadness agreeing to everything he had to say

When we got home, he wasted no time in calling his mom and telling her the 'good' news. Even over the phone, I could feel how excited she is

After the call ended he turned to me and happily picked me up catching me off guard. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck for support

"You don't know how happy this made me, baby, finally we will be parents" I forced a smile on my face pretending to be as excited as him

I am happy that I am having a baby of my own but the sad part is the baby isn't with someone I love, the baby wasn't planned but forced and the baby will get to know this man as Dad

Jungkook carried me up the stairs to our room and gently
Placed me on the bed before getting up and wrapping his arms around me while rubbing circles around my tummy

"This is my first time being a Dad and I don't know anything about it but I'm sure I will be the best dad to our child" he said causing me to burst out in tears not able to hold back anymore

"Teddy, what's wrong? Why are you crying" he asked worriedly but I ignored him and covered my face crying into my hands

He hugged me tight as I poured out my heart and all the pain I'd kept bottled up for so long

If this is a dream please let me wake up, I'm tired and sick of this

After calming down a bit I realized that I was in Jungkook's arms holding onto him tightly, something I would never do

But for some reason, I just want to be him and his touches make the pain better. I'm all of a sudden feeling safe around him

All I could think about now Jin, what if this was him? What if the baby was his? Lots of questions swam through my mind as I slowly drift off to sleep

Hey babies
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