12: Nickname

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I just came back home it was a tiring day

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I just came back home it was a tiring day.

It's almost 7 in the evening. I didn't get time to use my phone so I'm just using it now. I saw Aaliyana had accepted my request and followed me back.

I clicked on her story it was about today she made a layout and uploaded it on her story with a song. I stalked her profile. I guess she doesn't upload much on her Instagram, there are just two photos on her profile she was looking cute as usual.

But the only thing that is troubling me is she isn't talking much and I don't like that.

Why is she like this?


We reached home at almost 6:45 pm

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We reached home at almost 6:45 pm. Noor and I went to my room. We went to the washroom turn by turn. We changed into comfy clothes I gave my clothes to Noor. She'll be going back home at night. We sat down.

"Aaliyana can I tell you something?" Noor said seriously.
I hummed in respone.

"I've seen the way Zaviyaar looks at you" She said looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her

"He looks at you the way you look at your books." She said.

I wasn't able to digest what she said because I love my books I look at them with love, with care, with feelings. What did she mean?

Zaviyaar loves-- NO NO WAY HOW CAN HE? We have only met a few times. This isn't possible. My thoughts were broken my Noor.

"I've seen love and care for you in his eyes." She said.

MAYBE SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH but how can I believe her when I've not felt anything?

"We will talk about this some other time" I said.

She simply nodded. We went downstairs had dinner and Noor went back to her house.

I came back to my room and opened my Instagram. Scrolled some reels and I didn't realize the time was 1 am. I'm kinda addicted to reels which I hate and love at the same time. I wasn't able to sleep I was trying to sleep but Noor's words kept on ringing in my ears.

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