Chapter 11

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A/N: This is the chapter where Jinx earned its toxic reputation. Despite the fact that this IS a rewrite, chapters 11 and 12 have significant plot beats that can't be written out. Dan is going to go through the ringer here, guys. Bear with me, I promise it'll be worth it. (But don't worry, I wouldn't keep a r-pe scene in.)


Fade in. Scene opens on a shot of a bus. Cuts to DAN inside the bus, looking at his phone.

DAN [Narrator]: Ten million won from Jaekyung Joo, MFC Champion.

DAN presses his phone to his chest and takes in a deep breath. He smiles.

DAN [Narrator]: Good.

Flashbacks play, showing DAN trying on clothes and buying jewelry. DAN is shown on a phone call with NAMWOOK. 

DAN: You um- you sent the money through, right, sir? ...Ah! Okay, thank you!

Scene returns to DAN on the bus.

DAN [Narrator]: I was waiting for this. I almost blew my share this morning but it was worth every cent. When I get home, I'll do it. One third into savings, one third for my family...

A shot is shown of the bags he's holding in his arms.

DAN [Narrator]: ...And three mil left for me. Hehe.

The bus stops. An EXTRA pushes past DAN, igniting a bruise. He winces with pain and holds his side. Shot focuses on DAN's expression.

DAN [Internal]: This deal solves every problem I have but...

He flashes back to the day JAEKYUNG kicked him to the ground.

DAN [Internal]: ...Just how long will I have to be around him?

Title screen.

Scene cuts to DAN walking through his street with the bags in his arms. He takes out his phone and reads a news headline. 

DAN [Internal]: 'Joo Jaekyung is slated to fight Randy Booker in the upcoming fight'. Pfft. What news. The MMA was entertaining before I knew who he was. Now, there's no point cheering. Joo Jaekyung deserves none of it.

DAN continues walking. He looks at a notification JAEKYUNG sent him from his mobile, a message from hours ago.

JAEKYUNG [Text]: Stay out of trouble. My match is coming up.

DAN's forehead creases.

DAN [Internal]: Bastard...

As DAN walks, the THUGS from earlier are shown watching him from a distance.

THUG 1: That the guy?
THUG 3: Yeah, Joo Jaekyung's boy. Look at them bags. He's loaded.
THUG 2: Then why the fuck's he livin' here?
THUG 1: Not our business.

DAN is the focus again. Trees rustle around him. His ears twitch, noticing something.

DAN [Internal]: What the...?

DAN looks around. He gulps. He continues walking up to his apartment. The THUGS are shown in the background of several shots, following close behind him. DAN's heart beats faster.

DAN [Internal]: Someone's following me...
DAN [Gulps]
DAN [Internal]: If I go to my apartment I'll only lead them there... so... where...?!

DAN continues walking with his head down, trying to act calm.

THUG 2: Where's he goin'?
THUG 1: Trust me.
THUG 3: Fine.

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