Chapter 12

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Fade in. Scene opens with JAEKYUNG holding DAN's shoulders.

JAEKYUNG: If you don't want a worse beating coming your way, you're going to spill it.
DAN [Gulps]
DAN [Internal]: I guess... here it goes.

Title screen.

DAN sits on the physical therapy bed as JAEKYUNG stands over him.

JAEKYUNG: All your cash? Gone?
DAN: No... it's more complicated than that...

A flashback of the broken phone plays.

DAN: They broke my phone so I couldn't give them any specific access to my bank account. And obviously I wasn't keeping cash so...
JAEKYUNG: Your credit card? Fuck... [JAEKYUNG presses a hand to his forehead and brushes his hair back] How'd you mess up that badly?
DAN: I know, okay? I'm stupid. I let this all play out. If I'd given 'em my account straight away, I wouldn't have to go to work looking like this. Hindsight is fucking 20-20!

DAN buries his face in his hands. JAEKYUNG narrows his eyes at him.

JAEKYUNG: Why'd you call me, anyway?
DAN: Well... I thought... [Pulls hands back] I don't know what I thought.
DAN: Maybe if you turned up they'd run off scared. Besides, they knew who you were. Apparently they saw us together.

JAEKYUNG's face drops. He flashes back to the day he dropped DAN off at his home, with the THUGS watching from a distance.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Those bastards?!

JAEKYUNG exhales. 

JAEKYUNG: Move out.
DAN: Eh?
JAEKYUNG: Move out. Now. You're not living there anymore.
DAN: What? Who do you think you are, telling me what to do with my life?!
DAN: My whole life is in that place! You think I'm going to abandon it because you said so?!

JAEKYUNG leans in to glare at him closely.

JAEKYUNG: Stop acting tough. We both know that's not who you are.
DAN: What...?
JAEKYUNG: You can't handle real danger. You're a short, weak little wuss. You're never going to make it if you stay there.
DAN: Fuck you.
JAEKYUNG: It's the truth, you just can't handle this.
DAN: I can handle anything!
JAEKYUNG: Really? Anything?

JAEKYUNG grasps his neck with both hands. He lifts DAN off of the physical therapy bed. DAN chokes.

DAN: A-aagh! 
JAEKYUNG: Still think you're fucking tough?
DAN [Internal]: Agh...! No! I can't... let him win...!

DAN holds JAEKYUNG's chin and kisses him. Out of surprise, JAEKYUNG loosens his grip. DAN sits back on top of the bed as they kiss.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Haa... Kim Dan... You really want to die.

Their mouths separate. DAN coughs and catches his breath. DAN looks up and gives him a competitive stare.

JAEKYUNG: Actually, this is great. I have something I've always wanted to try.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

Scene cuts away to the middle of the night. DAN's chin is pressed against the bed with legs folded beneath him. His hands spread himself wide for JAEKYUNG, sitting behind him.

JAEKYUNG: C'mon, wider. I've barely even got two fingers in.
DAN: Hgh... ngh...!
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: What can I do to push him?

JAEKYUNG rubs his fingers up against DAN's prostate. DAN's back bows further. His head buries into the bed as he moans.

DAN [Internal]: I'm losing my mind...

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