Side Story 2

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Fade in. A montage of clips goes by of their table read, while POTATO narrates.

POTATO [Narrator]: The following meeting was normal enough. I finally had the chance to rehearse my script from memory, putting the rest of the actors to shame!

HEESUNG is shown beside him, sitting cheerfully.

POTATO [Narrator]: But... there was something strange in the air... ever since Mr Choi said those words.

HEESUNG's words repeat over the narration.

HEESUNG: No one hurts him.
POTATO [Narrator]: It was like a different side of him came out. A really different side. I couldn't tell if I liked it or not but...

POTATO and HEESUNG stand up and head for the door. HEESUNG opens it for POTATO.

POTATO [Narrator]: When I heard it... it made me start to question...

Shot focuses on POTATO's blank expression as he goes through the exit.

POTATO [Narrator]: How he actually feels about me.

Title screen.

The scene opens on a shot of POTATO and HEESUNG at a dinner table. HEESUNG gleefully eats his pulled pork as POTATO sits across from him, watching HEESUNG's every move.

POTATO [Internal]: So, he cares about me enough to defend my honour or whatever, but not enough to go all the way? Does he even like me? We haven't done anything but hold hands ever since that day... [Blushes] Always pulling away...

As POTATO stares, HEESUNG catches his gaze.

POTATO [Internal]: The more I think about it... the more I want to kiss him...
HEESUNG: Hmm? Why aren't you eating? [Grins] I made it just for you~! Hehe!
POTATO: Ah, right! Right!

POTATO picks up his fork, beginning to eat now. HEESUNG smiles at him from across the table. POTATO gulps.

POTATO: Can I ask, Mr Choi... why did you threaten her?
POTATO: The director Noona. You got really mad at her, back at the table. Was it just an off day? Are you upset?
HEESUNG: Ha! [Laughs] That's a silly question.

HEESUNG looks away, his laughter stopping. Shot focuses on his eyes darkening maliciously.

HEESUNG: She hurt you.

Cuts back to POTATO as his heart beats faster.

POTATO: Uh... y-you know, there are a lot of martial arts forms that can help with letting out your anger! That's why Jaekyung Hyung is so great! I could take you to the gym, work with some sandbags-
HEESUNG [Internal]: Haa... how slow is this kid?
HEESUNG: Yoon-gu. I was only angry because she insulted you. Are we finished?

POTATO stares at him.

POTATO: I see.

Scene concludes on two opposing shots, one of HEESUNG staring at POTATO, and the other of POTATO staring back. Fades out.

The following scene opens on POTATO in the gym.

POTATO [Narrator]: The days went by quickly without Choi Heesung.

Cuts to a phone display screen. There are text messages from HEESUNG, reading "Sorry, I'm busy again." And "This meeting is dragging on!!". Cuts back to POTATO's downcast face as he reads these messages.

POTATO [Narrator]: We're both so busy, there's hardly any time to meet.

Cuts to POTATO in the Team Black dormitory, late at night. On his bed, he types on a laptop, filling the small space with light. Shot pans over the screen - it's a document reading "character profile".

Jinx ~ RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now