The murder

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Maria pov:

After a week at that school I was getting more and more used to the environment.
Waking up at 7 am to eat and go to class.

Today we started with English at 7:45 in the morning. The teacher is annoying but from time to time he is kind of cool.
At the end of the class I noticed that the teacher said to be careful at night... teachers never said that... the situation was strange but I did my best to concentrate on the class.

After class I met Maggie, Billie and Ayana in the cafeteria. Maggie was lucky because this time it was carbonara with fortune cookies which she loves!

I sit next to the three who were already eating.
How was the english class? Ayana asked

Shit. Daisy and I said at the same time.

Until we were interrupted by the TV that was showing the news.

Breaking news an 18-year-old boy was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. We still don't have much information, but the police say that the boy whose identity we still don't know
He was found yesterday around 4:15 p.m  near Harvard University.

As soon as I heard those words I was shocked, after all it was about a boy like me who still had so much to live for.
I looked at the three girls who were looking at each other as if they knew something about what happened.

Hey, are you okay? I asked worried

Yes, it's okay. The three said at the same time.

Now I understand what the English teacher said before the class ended...

After classes, the four of us went to my  room and Maggie's room.

Well, we were going to have a pajama party.

Ok we have the pajamas, the stories, the horror films... but we don't have the snacks.... I said.

Stay here, the three of us will get snacks. Said Maggie.

Ok... I said confused.

Why did they want to go together?

It  could just go one... today  strange things are happening .... But it must be just my imagination... right?

They got up to go get the food but before that Ayana looked at me.
And I looked at her.

Maggie pov:

Something will happen between the two of them.

I agree. Billie said

Ayana, let's go. I said and she followed us.

Already on the street, Ayana and Billie started talking about the murder.

Did you see the tattoo on the kid's neck? Ayana asked.

Yes.  I Said

An arrow with a moon and flowers... said Ayana

Do you think he belongs? I asked the two in front of me

I don't know... said Billie

I think it's best to leave the matter aside and see what the news says. I said

I agree. Ayana said

Not to mention we're here to buy snacks for the slumber party.

Right. Billie said

We bought snacks and went back to the room where Maria was putting  a horror movie.

We put on our pajamas, sat next to each other, opened our snacks and started watching the movie Scream 6.

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