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Last night

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Last night.
Nikola Pov:

I place the empty champagne glass down glancing at my self in the clubs mirror, my tight black dress hugging my body perfectly, the delicate leg slit sticking out. My nails French tipped into a midnight black color as I run my fingers trough my blonde hair.

I was alone. I just know Ziara needed some alone time but I like hanging with myself, little peace brings to me that stretches a smile across my face. My lip gloss shining by the club lights. I order my second champagne leaning agianst the bar table, I see a random man approaching me... his black fancy suit and silver Rolex making him look the richest in this room.

"What's a beautiful lady doing here by herself?" He asks with a smirk, I roll my eyes "can't this beautiful lady?" I raise my eyebrows and narrow my eyes at him. "She can, but why can't she get some presence? Like mine." He nods and grabs my hand, "could you get any bolder?" I ask disgusted and take my hand out of his in a bitchy manner. "Men these days are so disappointing." I sigh, he raises his eyebrows "oh really? Well what do you need in a man?" I laugh "I'm not looking for any. So disrespectfully, leave." He sighs "your hard to get?" He smirks "turns me on." I huff annoyed "don't you like males or something? Are you lesbian?" He asks, I roll my eyes "I don't like you." I look up with emotionless eyes "does that count? Or does that microscopic brain of yours bring joy to that scribbled dick like your bold personality that no one likes does?" I narrow my eyes. His eyes widend "feisty here? Arent we" I smirk as my champagne arrives, I grab i in between my three fingers. "We definitely are." I take a sip of my drink and narrow my eyes at him. "If there's one thing I like about you is your looks" i nod agreeing sarcastically "life's tough, get a helmet?" I sigh and take another sip.

He narrows "disrespect me agian and your mine. And I will make this life of yours hell. I smirk and look in his eyes dangerously "I'm not yours. You don't own me, do you? I bet you think you do well you don't." I point out. "Well see how long that'll last" he smirks. I nod and take the last sip and place it down strictly ready to leave. Don't say that you weren't warned." He treath making me nod once.
"You won't say, I know. And I'm always right and most sertantly with men included with it." I  give him a bitchy smile. "I am not a prize to be won." I nod and walk off my heels clacking leaving him boiling with anger, speechless men. That's what I'm talking about.

Ziara pov:

I turn a little my eyes shoot open as I hear a loud bang from outside. It was 8:09 and i jump up from my bed my feet slipping into my comfy slipper and my silk pants sliding down to my ankles, it felt a bit big but that fine.. I quickly run up my window and push the white curtains open observing outside, wondering where the bang might of came from.. probably a gun.. like everytime, this neighborhood isn't exactly save.. i sigh and walk away from the window and hear a message pop up my phone..

Nikola: I went to a party last night so... just a reminder
That we are going  at our party at 7 ❤️

Ziara: sure will!❤️

I smile. if there's one thing you needed to know about her, it'll be that she's a partyholic. No matter if she had something important to do, her stress relieving where partying and she did that.. Atleast 2 times a week. I let out a sigh and walk down stairs wearing my pjs. I don't usually but today I felt extra careless and relaxed. I smile seeng Zizzi walking towards me with her soft paws hitting the white marble floor, I pick her up making her let out a soft meow out of excitement. I giggle and kiss her head and walk into the living room with Zizzi in my arms, I look at the white curtains and open them softly letting the morning sun cover my room in a soft light. I smile as Zizzi looks down waiting to be released. I giggle and let her down and she walks off. I smile and decide to fold the blankets and put them on my couch and order the pillows in the right spot, I grab some wet tissues cleaning off the tables while Zizzi was walking around. I sigh as I was done and throw it in the trash the trash closing itself. I pick up the vacuum pulling out the long plug and plug it in, I put some AirPods in and start vacuuming while listening to music.

After 6 minutes of vacuuming I glance outside.. there was that same strange man... my eyes widend as the vacuum falls out my hands.. I quickly pull out my AirPods placing them on the table and grab a knife outbox the kitchen drawer, I glance back outside seeing that the man was gone.. AGIAN!? I let out a annoyed sigh and had enough. I launch over to the garden doors opening them and stepping outside. I look around sensing a dark dangerous presence,The grip on my knife tightens. I got more nervous and scared by every movement I took.. "who is this?.." I try calling out but it came out as a soft breath.. I start head a crack of a stick... I jerk my head to the sound seeing a black figure disappearing around the corner of my house.. i breath in a sharp breath. "Run after it!" My brain chants to me, but my body stays frozen my face blank of the amount of fear I have.. I see the head peek and dissapear agian. I let out a scared breath and srugh it all off and quickly run to that corner my fear hanging over my heart, nothing. Nobody was there.. A shot of anger blares into me, and I bite my bottom lip harshly. I breath in, my anger washing down slowly.. my grip on my knife stayed and I turn back into my home closing the door, I pauze. A buzz came from my phone and I pull it out of my pj pants looking at from who the message was.

Unknown: nice try little mouse.

Ziara: who are you?!

Unknown:  yours.

(Was this guy stupid!?

Ziara: Im serious! Who are you and why are you here!?

After that the bastard didn't respond!? "Ugh.." I sigh under my breath and turn off my phone, should I tell Nikola about it...?

Authors note!:

Love you! 💋 -Z

1156words! 💋

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