♤Chapter 1 - A letter too Late♤

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~30th May 1809~

Lannes - P.O.V.

"Do me a favour , Larrey," He grumbles through his sickness , "pass on a message to Murat."

He hands the surgeon a note before relaxing back in the stretcher , his red eyes showing his tired state

"I want to be out with honest happiness." He groans , watching as Larrey passes the note off to a messenger and rolls over

" He groans , watching as Larrey passes the note off to a messenger and rolls over

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Murat - P.O.V.

"Marshal Joachim!" The messager runs in as Joachim begins writing his love letter to his wife - Caroline, "It's a letter , from Marshal Lannes"

He sighs , standing up and grabbing the letter with the rolling of his eyes , "The bastard is probably saying his final goodbyes before he's out of a job."

He grins , sitting back to read the letter while the messenger walks out:

"To Marshal Joachim Murat"

"I shall be out of the surgeon's care within a few days with all but my legs intact,"

Joachim chuckles as he continues on

"And with this set straight, I must give you my truth."

"Despite you being the vainest of the vain and quick for a tantrum , you have truly been able to make me smile."

He sits back , puzzled on whether to take offence or be flattered

"For all your charm and charismatic appeal around women over the base of years , it's seems recently you have shown me how true you can be and I'll never forget your blazing victory at Abukir (That should be mine had I of not been shot(¬、¬) )"

"I suppose in many ways , I think of you in the same regard as the Emperor , and I hope you take this the right ; I...
With all my heart"

"Your brother in arms
-Marshal Jean Lannes , Duc de Montabello"

He sits the letter down on his desk , shocked and speechless, reading over the same words again
And again
and again
and again
How could he be such a fool ? He was writing through the sickness , and they had no love except for the occasional saving of crossfire.

But the more he thought about it , the more obvious it seemed.

Jean was always quick to defend Joachim in a serious argument and was quick to notice a grudge against him. He'd been more protective recently and yet so vulnerable around him.

"H-how could you love me?" He scoffs , flicking the paper away before turning to an unfinished letter to Caroline

"...and yet you burn all our letters and find Junot as great as I?" He sighs , leaning his head on the table, watching a candle burn."The wick of a candle beats as hard as I around you, and yet you blow me out. "

He chuckles , "Maybe in more ways than one." He groans , taking off his furred coat and riding boots , still looking over at the letters

"He thinks of you as a friend , Joachim , nothing more!" He whispers to himself before Bessieres walks in.

"Hey , Joachim , everything okay?" He chuckles before spotting Jean's letter , "Ah , I see , Le Roland has written to you?"

Joachim nods as Bessieres sits next to him , "He writes that he loves me with all his heart , and yet , we haven't spoken until the Tabour Bridge incident."

Bessieres sits back , trying to hide his rage with a smirk as he speaks.
"The marshal speaks lies , I say , lies!"

Joachim stands up as he goes to a divider to change ,"The marshal loses his ability to walk - gaining an infection and flu - he's using it to drop everyone's guard just for him , you can't afford that!"

"But he sounds honest about it , he sounds like how me and Caroline would write to one another." Joachim responds , pulling on some loose clothing as Bessieres rolls his eyes

"Murat , he'll use you like a pawn!"
He shouts , trying to reason with him , "He's Bonaparte's best man and can use that to drag you under if you make a bad choice , it's a trick I tell you - a use of deception within loving words!"

Murat nods , walking back to his bed. "I'll write to him tomorrow morning . The marshal should be awake by then . Thank you, Jean,"

Bessieres smiles, getting up with slight difficulty ,"Hey Joachim , don't try fucking him" He teases as Joachim rolls his eyes , pulling the covers over himself

~31st May 1809~

"Joachim , MURAT!" Bessieres hits Joachim's stomach making him wake up.

"Jean , what th-!" He's pulled out of bed as he spots the other generals and marshals running to the medical tents , Napoleon leading the crowd

"What the fuck is going on?!" Joachim shouts at Bessieres , pulling his cavalry suit on

"Marshal Lannes is dead!"
"Marshal Lannes is dead!"

..."Jean...Lannes...is what?"

Joachim looks around , feeling a sense of fear

"Just this morning , Larrey felt his pulse , he's dead!" Bessieres jumps , running off to the surgeon's tent as Joachim follows by.

"He can't be dead , even he said he'd be better by the start of next month,"

"Well , oh god bless his soul , and may his widowed wife be blessed by our noble savior" Bessieres sighs , praying as Joachim runs into the tent , making it to the front of the crowd

"...Jean Lannes..."

He looks over the silent body as Napoleon holds his hand in grief , tears flowing out of the Emperor

Joachim breathes heavily , looking around before walking out and sitting outside

...the marshal , my dear , is dead...

And there's nothing you could've done about it

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