18. the heartrenching revelation.

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"this is my firstborn, Yudhishthir." Kunti introduced Dwaraka trio of Vasudev, Devaki, and Rohini.

Subhadra stood next to her bhrata Krishna, grinning at the elder Panduputr.

Kunti's heart broke as she said her eldest was Yudhishthir.

She knew she was committing the same sin again and again.

She was a little happy to know her sons, Karn and Arjun, had formed a good bond.

"this is my other son, Bhimasena." She said, and Devaki smiled at him and his plump physique.

"You look like you are a foodie too, like my Balarama?" Rohini asked, and Bhima smiled, nodding his head.

"this is the middle one, Arjun." She said, and Subhadra, who was grinning at something her bhrata had cracked, looked at the Madhyama Pandav, her lips automatically curved into a sweet smile.

Arjun looked at her and smiled back at her.

"These are my youngest sons, Nakul and Sahadev." Kunti said and smiled as both Nakul and Sahadev ran and hugged their mathulani and mathula.

All three of them smiled as they reciprocated the hug.

"Must say, Pritha. You've got 5 Gems as your sons." Vasudev commented, and Krishna and Balram pouted.

"Unfair, Pitashri." Krishna stated and wiped his non-existent tears.

"What unfair, Putr?" Devaki's question made Krishna's pout widen.

"Pitashri used to tell me that I was his Gem of a son, then how can they be some gems of a son?"

Krishna's antics made Balram burst into fits of laughter, Subhadra joining in.

"You are my gem of a son, Krishna. I said Kunti had also had the fortune to have 5 precious gems as her sons."

Krishna smiled, crying inwardly.

There aren't five, but six.

Soon, you will be hearing the Revelation.

Shakuni stared in despair at the well bonding Arjun and Karn as they practiced Archery in perfect match.

"Look? Bhrata Karn. We've hit 30 targets within a second." Arjun exclaimed, and Karn smiled.

"The best quality of a warrior, Arjun, is that he would be humble always. We are warriors and we must be humble to everyone, respecting our enemies."

"Bhrata?" Arjun asked, his eyes glittering.

"A warrior does his duty by fighting. A warrior is destined to fight till his life's last breath. Respect your enemy means respecting his strength and appreciating him. Never kill an enemy by breaking the rules of war. And when you do all that, you are a true warrior."

"This is what my Guru Parashuram had taught me." Karn said, wisdom shining in his beautiful black eyes.

Arjun smiled as he continued, "a human, may it be a warrior or a commoner or even a Chandala, he must be humble. He must not drown in pride, for pride will destroy him and whatever he possessed to be his own.

Nothing would remain of him if he is under the influence of arrogance and power."

"This is what my Madhav has taught me." Arjun said, his lips curving into a beautiful smile.

"A man is only a true human if he is humble. Look at everyone who has reached great heights. They would be humble. Unless the person is driven by the hunger for power and pride, the person is never destined to fall down from the great heights he had achieved."

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now