Time for a nap

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Maomao often made Jinshi take naps whenever she noticed that he was suffering from lack of sleep. So when Jinshi saw her completely exhausted, he immediately knew what to do.

Time for a nap

Bright rays of sunlight were entering the windows of Jinshi's residence and shone down warmly on the young noble himself as he walked at a leisurely pace through the hallway, hiding his hands in his wide sleeves. Tiny dust particles were dancing in the air, and his silky long hair shining from the light, while he moved forward with a serene expression on his face. A face so utterly beautiful, it was almost out of this world.

He had just returned from his usual control round through the rear palace and his visits to the four upper consorts, and his facial muscles felt a bit stiff from that “heavenly” smile he had to wear around all day. But now he could allow himself to let it vanish, for there was no one there he was forced to show his “perfect self” to. No one to swoon over him.

However, his face was unfortunately the only part of his body he was able to relax currently, since his next task was already waiting for him: his “beloved” paperwork that was as always piled up on his desk…

He grimaced slightly at the thought of it, filled his lungs with air and let out a long, deep sigh, for which he would probably be scolded if Gaoshun were to hear him. Then he brought his hand to one of his equally stiff shoulders, rubbing it a bit. Maybe he would summon Maomao later to his chambers and ask her to give him a little massage. She had already done that a couple of times for him, and he had always felt much better afterward.

But then again, just seeing her was usually enough to lift his mood… (when he wasn’t catching her intending to put strange and dangerous stuff into her mouth or harm herself in any other way, of course)

A pleasant warmth spread through his chest at the thought of her, and the corners of his lips turned upwards once again without him even realizing it, until forming a real, sincere smile. It was decided! He would finish his work as quickly as possible and then go spend time around her, already picturing her annoyed face (although he had to admit that she seemed to have grown used to having him around by now).

And while he continued walking like that, thinking of seeing her later as a reward for his hard work, his smile suddenly grew wider, and his eyes lit up with happiness.

There she was, his favorite little apothecary, walking just a dozen meters in front of him with cleaning supplies in her hands. Apparently, she had finished cleaning a room just now and stepped out into the hallway when he had been entirely immersed in thought, hence it looked to him as if she had appeared out of nowhere.

He quickened his step, about to call out to her, but then stopped suddenly in his tracks when he noticed something odd about her way of walking: was it just his Imagination or was she really staggering a bit, as if her feet lacked the strength to support her properly?

Jinshi frowned slightly, his chest tightening with worry. She wasn't drunk, was she? No, that couldn't be it. Well, in reality he wouldn't have really minded if she helped herself to his alcohol, he would gladly give her anything she wanted (except for poison, of course), but she was far too responsible to drink during work hours. And besides, he wasn't sure if he even possessed enough alcohol in his residence to make that girl, who was like a bottomless pit when it came to booze, even a bit tipsy.

Or could it be that she had ingested something she shouldn’t have while no one was looking? Well, only one way to find out!

He resumed his way, easily catching up with her.


Placing his hand on her shoulder, he made her stop and turn around to him. That was when he noticed the dark circles around her eyes. To be honest, Jinshi was pretty much used to seeing them by now, but rather on his own face, not on hers.

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