You are really here, Part 6

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Jinshi twisted his mouth and let out a soft groan when a ray of sunlight shone directly into his face. Perceiving an odd heaviness in his limbs, he tried to ignore the annoying morning sun and continue sleeping, but the latter didn't plan to leave him in peace. What a nuisance.

Thus, not sleeping anymore, but still with his eyes closed, he merely kept lying there for a while, without thinking of anything. His head was throbbing horribly, but at least it wasn't burning up like before.

The young noble relaxed his frown as he realized that his upper body was lying on something wonderfully soft and warm. He unconsciously nuzzled into it and sniffled. His nose was sore and still stuffed, hence he was still unable to smell a thing.

Well, except for that cold remedy Maomao had made him drink. It had such a strong, horrible taste that the mere memory of it caused Jinshi to grimace. But as long as it helped, he had no reason no object against taking it, and neither was he planning to. After all, he wasn't a child anymore. Not to mention that he fully trusted his apothecary and knew that she wouldn't poison him (if anything, she would rather poison herself).

He yawned and stretched his back a bit. No matter whether he liked it or not, morning had arrived, and it had become too bright to sleep. Although he wouldn't have to work that day (he was sure that Maomao would tie him to his bed with her own two hands, if he even dared to try), he was still used to getting up early. And not even his cold could really change that fact.

While he was pondering over that, he finally noticed the regular movements and rhythmic sound, both coming from that comfortable something he was lying on. A smile appeared on his lips. Hah, it was so pleasant... he wouldn't have minded staying like that for all eternity


Wait a minute! Since when did his pillow breathe and have a heartbeat?!

Jinshi opened his eyes on the spot. All his sleepiness was gone in an instant.

Without wasting even a second, he abruptly raised his head, which earned him a bout of dizziness, but he tried to ignore it the best he could.

"Apothecary!" he thought, barely believing his own eyes, and grabbed his head with one hand. "But what...? How...?" His mind was a mess, and his heart beating like crazy.

After having managed to calm down somehow, he got off Maomao and rolled onto his side, desperately trying to remember how and when she had ended up in his bed.

Unfortunately, every attempt was in vain.

Maomao herself was still fast asleep, in the meantime, completely oblivious to what was going on right next to her. Her mouth did twitch briefly, but his movements actually didn't disturb her sleep. She must be really exhausted.

While lying next to her with a blush on his face and contemplating her sleeping profile, Jinshi finally felt his tension gradually leave him just from the mere sight of her. His hand moved as if by itself and started to carefully stroke her cheek.

Well, the explanation would have to wait until her awakening. Judging by the fact that they were both dressed, the young lord could at least rule out that something indecent had happened between them. Or he hoped so, because if something of that sort were to happen, then he would prefer to remember it, thank you very much!

He propped himself up on one elbow and raised his upper body a bit. A few memories were slowly starting to return to him, after all. They were quite hazy, surely due to his fever, but still better than nothing.

There was the memory of him going to look for Maomao, despite his dizziness and fever and with a terrible fear eating at his insides, then of him desperately hugging her and of her leading him back to bed... After that, there was nothing, no matter how hard he tried to recall it. He had probably been already asleep by then.

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