Chapter Four

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"Ha ha! Fuck you."

Once again I find myself blinking slowly trying to process everything in front of me right now. I've barely been here five minutes and I can tell this place has a lot of... energy.

One second I realize I'm finally reunited with my Al then the next second these two men are basically at each other's throats.

I glance towards Charlie and she looks back at me with a nervous expression. Noticing the two getting even closer to each other somehow she pipes up in hopes it will split the two up.

"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor, we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much." She starts to ramble as I stay near the front doors and watch.

Alastor adds on. "Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests." He places a hand on her shoulder and I can tell it makes Lucifer angry.

Charlie smiles at him. "Oh, thank you, Alastor." I make my way over to the bar and lean against it. Looking at the cat demon behind it he gives me a look back before sighing.

"Quite an impressive young lady. We're all very proud of her." Trying to ignore him, Lucifer keeps his attention on his daughter. "Ahem, Charlie! Dear, eheh, why don't you introduce me to your other friends?"

"Oh, yes, of course. This is Vaggie, she's my girlfriend." Lucifer responds loudly, very loudly. "Oh my golly! You like girls? Well, uh so do I! We have so much in common!"

I physically recoil at his attempt to find common ground with Charlie. "You put her there Vaggie." He hugs the girl named Vaggie and she looks very uncomfortable. "Lovely to meet you, uh, sir." I sigh and turn away from the current scene.

"This place always so energetic?" I ask the bartender and he scowls at me slightly. "That's one way to describe this place." I hum in response as we hold an entertaining conversation after a few moments of silence.

Husk sighs, seemingly frustrated by the constant chatter from all around. He then glances at me, a twinge of annoyance on his face, and gestures to the bar. "You want a drink?"

"I'm good, thanks." I tap my fingers on the table. "So, what made you want to come here?" I ask curious.

Husk shrugs as he leans against the bar counter. "Work here. I don't want to be here, I have to be here..." He pauses for a moment, then looks straight at me. "What brings you here?"

I shrug in a similar fashion he just did. "Just got here and decided to follow him." I say, indicating to Lucifer.

Husk's attention shifts to her attire, and he quickly raises an eyebrow. "You're new here? what's up with the get up then it looks like clothes from the 1930's."

I smile and put a finger up towards my lips. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

Husk rolls his eyes as he pours himself a drink. "Oh great, another enigma, just what I needed." His scowl deepens, but then he takes a sip of his drink, seemingly relaxed. "And I guess I might never find out..."

I keep smiling. "Oh no, you'll find out eventually. Probably soon." I shrug again not giving him much to work with.

"Well, isn't that just the most cryptic answer I've ever heard." Husk chuckles softly and looks directly at me. "Do you even have a name, or will you make me guess that too?"

"I have a name." I pause and just stare at him for a few seconds. He just stares back at me waiting.

Husk's eyes narrow, his patience beginning to wane. "So, you gonna tell me or should I guess?" Husk seems agitated by the fact that I'm not responding. He leans back on the counter and crosses his arms. "Oh wait, let me guess, I'll never know."

"Correct you are." I say playfully. He rolls his eyes as I laugh a bit. After I've stopped laughing I glance back at Lucifer and Alastor for a moment before turning my attention back to Husk. "(Y/N). My name's (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)..." he takes another sip of his drink, his eyes still focused on me. He then raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly. "Well, it's nice to meet you (Y/N)," Husk pauses for a second, then leans forward and sets his glass down.  "So what's the deal with the attire?"

I smile again at him. "Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper." Charlie's voice directed towards us gets our attention as Husk makes a quick reply. "Nice to meet you."

I turn my body so I'm facing the three rather than Husk so I can avoid his question a bit longer.

Watching Niffty climb onto Lucifer's coat made me laugh as all she said after climbing her way up to his face was "Hello. I clean." She then proceeds to laugh before climbing down and running off somewhere.

I turn back to Husk to somewhat continue our conversation and not a second later a loud crash is made causing me to turn around.

The lobby's chandelier fell and a ton of dust has now flown around in the air. As the dust clears a bit I see Lucifer and Alastor behind the, now fallen, chandelier. One look at Alastor and it's clear he made that chandelier drop on purpose.

Lucifer lets out a small laugh. "Alright then." I sigh and take a seat at the bar as soon as I release what is going on.

The two of them begin to argue back and forth with one another on who can be better help to Charlie and her redemption hotel. Hush exhales as well opening up a bottle of alcohol.

He tilts it in my direction but I just shake my head once more. I've never been a fan of drinking, I never understood the obsession some people had with it. He shrugs and starts drinking some himself.

Not long into their argument Angel Dust and Vaggie come sit at the bar as well staying out of Lucifer and Alastor's way.

I face away from the two fighting and lean my head against my hand. I can start to feel a headache forming due to these two.

I feel slightly bad for the girl being put in the middle of their petty argument but she seems to be doing fine, she sure is a cheery one.

Their arguing goes on for a few more unbearable minutes before I decide to do something.

"Oh, you tacky piece of—" I lift my head up from my hand, getting up and walking over to the two of them.

"Vous avez fini de combattre mon amour?" (Are you two done fighting my love?) I say standing behind Alastor cutting off Lucifer. His whole body goes stiff and I can only assume his eyes widen, at least slightly.

Lucifer glances behind Alastor to give me a confused look. "I said are you two—" This time I get interrupted as a blonde barges in through the lobby doors.

"It's me everyone! I knew you were all waiting for me so here I am at last. The wonderful, amazing Mimzy!" She says dramatically, making her way into the lobby more.

"Who?" Lucifer starts to say as I talk over him. "Mimzy?" Why must this day be so hectic? I silently groan.

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