Chapter Nine

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As we all left the lobby to do our own thing I decided to follow Alastor to wherever he hides during the day.

He stays quiet during the walk as I do the same. As we walk I take in all the details of the hotel. The wallpaper, the flooring, the decorations.

I can tell Alastor had a decent amount of say in all of the decorations for the place which doesn't surprise me.

He stops causing me to almost bump into him. He just chuckles quietly as he opens a door for me to walk through.

I take a peek inside before stepping completely inside and notice this room is set up almost identical to what his recording studio looked like.

He seems to have put in a decent amount of effort too. All the decor and furniture is the same or at least very close to his recording studio.

"You were never one for much change." I say laughing. I take a seat on the couch in the room and lean my head on my hand. "It's comforting." I hum out.

"Well yes, I am all about comfort." He nods as he takes a seat next to me on the couch. "No change is definitely better than too much change."

As he sits I reposition myself to lay my head down on his lap, staring up at him.

He looks down at me and chuckles quietly. "Comfortable?" He asks. "Very." I respond with a smile.

"Good to know." He says with a slight smirk as he rubs the top of my head softly.

I close my eyes as I hum contentedly. After a few moments of silence he speaks up again. "What are you thinking about darling?"

I open my eyes and look into his. "Just about the first time you brought me to your studio."

"I remember you were completely enamored with the records I had." He chuckles as I hit his chest with the back of my hand playfully.

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As we are walking I try to figure out where he could be leading me. "Can you at least give me a hint?" I whine playfully.

Alastor just smiles that charming smile of his. "No, but when we get there I promise you'll be delighted."

I begin to think about the possibilities, muttering them out as I think of them. "Maybe we're going to a restaurant? No, too simple. Hmm, maybe a speakeasy? Too early for that."

He just smiles playfully while still not letting me in on the secret. "No, none of those. It's something much more personal and special."

"Am I meeting your mother? I'm going to kill you if that's what we're doing. I'm not dressed appropriately for that." I say starting to get nervous.

After realizing what I blurted out I backtrack. "Not that I don't want to meet her or anything of course. I'm just not in the right outfit for it and not mentally prepared for it." I chuckle nervously as my cheeks heat up.

Alastor grins mischievously at me as he shakes his head. "No, not that. Though I would love for you to meet my mother one day. But not tonight."

I let out a small sigh of relief, happy with the fact that it will be an event I can stress over in the future.

"It's a much simpler occasion. We're stopping by my office, I want to show you something that I think you'd enjoy seeing." He says as we finally arrive to the radio station he works at.

I give him a curious look as we make our way into the building.

As we walk through the hallways he grabs hold of my hand while continuing to keep the destination a mystery.

I can't help but glance at everything as we walk around which makes me thankful he's holding my hand to guide me.

After making a few turns he stops and I assume we're in front of his office.

Leading me into his office I am greeted by a neatly decorated room, a gramophone in the corner, and a few pieces of old tech strewn about.

My eyes immediately lock onto the shelves lined with old records. I look at him as my eyes light up.

Seeing how overjoyed I am by the records Alastor can't help but smile and chuckle.

"I thought you'd enjoy seeing these. There's a bit of a hidden gem in here. Just give me a moment," He says with a smirk as he walks over to one of the shelves and pulls out a very old record.

I immediately follow behind him as he spins it around in his hand for me to see. I look up from it to look at him to make sure I can touch it.

"You can touch it if you like, it's not fragile by any means. I keep my records in very good condition so everything is preserved properly." I immediately grin as I take it to hold.

Alastor's smile widens as I gaze fondly at the record in my hands.

He has a soft and caring expression on his face as he watches me look at the record as opposed to the typical charming smile he usually exudes.

I examine every inch of the record before my eyes dart back to the shelf. "You even have one of Wendell Hall's records?" I ask excitedly.

"I certainly do. I play it quite a bit when I'm on the air," he says as he grabs that particular record and holds it out for her. "Why? Do you like Wendell's music?"

I nod. "I absolutely love his music. I notice the specific song for the record he's holding. "That one's actually my favorite song of his."

He smiles and nods. "Oh yes, this song is wonderful. I have so many records here and yet you managed to look directly at the one you enjoy most. I'm impressed."

I laugh as I place the record I'm holding back on the shelf where Alastor got it from. "I have pretty good eyes, especially when it comes to records."

"That you certainly do." he chuckles. "You know," He starts off while putting the record back on the shelf. "I've heard that Wendell is performing later this month, what do you think, should we go see him together?"

I didn't think I could get any more excited but I definitely did. "Are you kidding me?" I exclaim as I put my hands on his shoulders jumping slightly. "I would love to go."

Alastor chuckles at how excited I am. "I already bought the tickets so I'm glad you said yes." A huge smile erupts on my face as I place my hands on his cheeks and kiss him.

For a moment he's completely frozen, completely speechless, yet his heart was beating at an even faster pace than before.

After a few precious moments of me seeing how flustered he is he speaks up. "I should have expected that really," he chuckles as his face flushes bright red.

I laughed as well as he put a hand on my waist to keep me close to him. "I promise this will be a better date than the first one we had." I just roll my eyes playfully.

"I still enjoyed that date, you know." He hums in response. "Yea but I know you'll enjoy this one even more." I smile at him. "I can't argue with that."

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"Yeah, I might have been a little bit enamored by your records." I mumble with a smile on my face. "I still can't believe you got those Wendell Hall tickets for us."

"They were a pain to get a hold of." He says with a smile as he strokes my hair. "But it was worth it."

As I smile at him he returns one before looking outside of the window. "It's getting late, you should probably head to bed before your little trip tomorrow."

I sigh as I sit up. "You're right. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

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