Chapter 4: Lame survival test-

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Why...just why did i choose the leaf village..

I got up at 8 in the morning, knowing that kakashi was going to be late so fuck it i am too. I get ready with my signature outfit and grab my things before walking out, deciding to wander around to kill time. I walk a shop, seeing that it had weapons inside, "I could use a new weapon...maybe a Bo staff or a katana.." i mumble to myself, walking into the store and looking around.

I look around, grabbing a few new shuriken and kunai's along with some sebon needles, you never can have enough. My eyes landed upon a chakra fusing kabutowari and my eyes shimmered, sparkling at the sight of the glowing red and black weapon. I rush over and grab the two available weapons and walk over to the register, paying for all my items and walking out of the store happily.

I heard a deep chuckle in my head, 'You are quite the sight when you are happy sweetheart.' karazu's deep voice said, you could hear the smile in his voice if that was possible. I smile slightly, fixing the kabutowari weapons on my hips, 'Karazu, i just found my dream weapon! I always wanted one but now i have two, and there not normal ones either, i can fuse my chakra in them to make them more powerful!' i exclaimed in my head happily, having a small nerd moment.

The voice chuckled in my head again, 'I see my love~ Very interesting indeed.' karazu said before fading away. I run my hand through my black and white highlighted hair, walking to the destination i was supposed to meet the others. I emerged from the trees to see the 3 idiots, all of them standing together though sakura and naurto seemed to be half sleep while sasuke glanced around occasionally.

I sigh, preparing myself for a huge headache later and just deciding to not even approach them, jumping up into a tree and laying down onto the branch, closing my eyes since neither of them noticed me. Kakashi wasn't here but he was nearby, making his way over to our spot.

"Morning everyone, ready for your first day?" he said casually like he wasn't a couple hours late, "YOU'RE LATE!" sakura and naruto screamed, pointing at him with mad expressions while sasuke glared at him. Kakashi sweat dropped, " see, a black cat crossed my path so i took the long way.." he said nervously, pointing to a random direction.

Kakashi suddenly looked around, "Where's hakucho?" he said in confusion, not being able to sense my chakra or presence. The other three looked around too, "Oh so that's who we were missing! i knew something wasn't right.." naruto muttered, wow so yall just forgot me.

I roll my eyes, now not even wanting to show myself anymore, thanks for the concern. I watched as they all looked around for a couple minutes, now all of them stumped, "Ugh where is that freak?!" sakura yelled angrily, clenching her fists.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at her, not liking that his student called her a freak, "Don't call her a freak, sakura, unless you don't want to be on this team that is." he said coldly, feeling protective over hakucho. Sakura huffed and crossed her arms, turning away from her sensei to look at sasuke but was surprised to see him glaring at her, and naruto too.

Naruto felt like that was something very rude to say even if the other girl was a little weird and quiet, she didn't deserve to get called that when she had amazing strength and abilities! He even thought that they could probably be friends if he tries to talk to her, believe it!

Sasuke didn't know why he felt angry when sakura called that silent girl freak, he just suddenly felt malice, like he wanted to protect her from such things. He at first hated her, hating how she was clearly stronger than him, but then he felt interest when he looks at her even when he tries to figure her out he can't, she's so closed off from the world like he was. He thinks that he has some things in common and he wants to try and find out who she really is.

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