CHAPTER 15, hope & visitors

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The Potter mansion buzzed with laughter and music as the clock struck eleven. The Christmas Ball was in full swing, and the magical atmosphere reached its peak. James Potter, known affectionately as Prongs, spotted his sister Jasmine amidst the dancing crowd. He approached her with a twinkle in his eye, weaving through the throng of wizards and witches.

"Jas, having a good time?" James grinned, offering his sister a hand.

Jasmine chuckled, taking her brother's hand. "It's fantastic, Jamesie. The decorations are beautiful, and everyone seems to be having a blast. What's up?"

James smirked mischievously. "Well, there's something I need to tell you. How about we step away for a moment? My room is quiet, and we won't be disturbed."

Jasmine raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Alright, lead the way, Prongs."

As they made their way through the lively crowd, Jasmine couldn't help but wonder what her brother had in store. The staircase leading to the upper floors beckoned, and Jamesie, ever the dramatic sibling, offered his arm with a flourish.

"Allow me, my lady," he teased, his tone mockingly formal.

"Oh, please," Jasmine rolled her eyes, taking his arm nonetheless. "What's this secret mission you're so excited about?"

Prongs leaned in, whispering theatrically, "All in good time, my dear. The grand reveal awaits us."

While ascending the grand staircase, James couldn't resist a playful tease. "So, I heard old Padfoot and you had quite the moment on the dance floor. Anything you want to share with your dear older brother?"

Jasmine's cheeks flushed crimson at the reminder, but she rolled her eyes and playfully nudged James' shoulder. "Oh, please, heard? I saw you and Marls smirking and you holding your dad's wand. It was just a silly mistletoe prank. Nothing more."

James chuckled. "Just making sure my baby sister isn't growing up too fast."

She sighed, shaking her head. "Honestly, it was just a kiss under the mistletoe. It was nothing. And stop with the teasing, will you?"

Prongs feigned innocence. "Teasing? Me? Never!"

Reaching James's room, he held the door open for Jasmine with a dramatic flourish. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Jasmine smirked. "Humble? Really? This place is practically a wizarding palace."

James shrugged. "Well, you know, only the best for the Potters."

"Alright, Jamesie, what's this all about?" Jasmine asked, curious to know what her friend had on his mind.

As they settled in, James reached for a wrapped box on his desk. "I got you something. I wanted to give you something for Christmas, Jas. It's not much, but I hope you like it. Open it."

Jasmine's eyes lit up as she unwrapped the present. Inside, she found a new notebook, its cover adorned with intricate magical patterns. Beside it, there was a training Snitch, finely crafted for solo Quidditch practice.

"It's a new notebook for your crocheting notes, and the Snitch is for some practice at home. I noticed your old one was running out of pages," Jamesie explained.

"Jamesie, this is amazing!" she examined the presents and exclaimed, "Merlin, this is perfect! Thanks so much. I'll put them to good use." Her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "How did you know my crochet notebook was running out of pages?"

James winked. "I keep tabs on my friends, especially, my one and only little friend. Now, what did you get for your dearest brother?"

Jasmine grinned, handing James a neatly wrapped package. He eagerly unwrapped it to reveal a hand-knit sweater in Gryffindor colours, matching handmade friendship bracelets, and an enchanted compass.

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