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I honked the horn of my brand new baby pink Tesla. I saved up for this for 3 years.

I see Kira hopping on one foot out the door one Hoka on and the other struggling to cling on to her foot. Her tripod in one hand and her green drink in the other. She is such a mess. As soon as she saw my car, she whipped out her phone. Ugh. All year she has been talking about all of her sponsorships and the money she was getting. She brags her butt off, knowing how hard I have to work to even afford shoes. I see her in her matching Lulu set. It's almost like she wants me to feel bad about myself. She opens the door and I turned down Cardigan by Taylor Swift.

"Ok girl I see you!" Kira says loudly. "I am so proud you finally got the car of your dreams," she said finally as if it took an eternity.

I let out a fake giggle. "Yeah I have car accessories on the way," Kira nods her head up and down while looking around the car in a very judgmental way.

We arrived at the gym. Once again she whipped out her phone, but this time before she could reach the camera icon, her happy smile disappeared. So as any good friend would  do, I asked her what was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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