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**TW: Mentions of SA**


As soon as we entered the club I smelled weed, sweat, and alcohol. I scrunched up my face and turned to Amanda. "How often do you come here?" I asked her over the music.

"A few times a week! Huge stress reliever, come on! First round on me."

I followed her up to the bar and sat down. It takes a few minutes before the bartender comes to us. She is rocking a pink pixie cut and has rainbow themed makeup. Overall, she's very colorful.

"Hey guys! What can I get for you?" She asks.

"4 shots of vodka, please." Amanda says coolly.

The bartender nods and walks away. "What an acid trip she is, yeah?"

I slightly nod my head as I take in my surroundings. Behind us are people dancing and grinding on each other. Along the walls are booths with people making out and going way past 3rd base. And then at the end of the room there's a hallway dimly lit, which I'm assuming leads to the bathroom.

Breaking my daydreaming, the bartender comes back with our shots. Amanda takes them and thanks her as she gets back to work.

"Okay mara, I hope your ready!"

An hour later, we were both drunk. After those shots we had 5 more each. I don't even want to think about how much I have spent here tonight.

I am starting to see why people love being drunk. I honestly can't even worry about Cody because why should I? The room is spinning though, and I feel really hot. But honestly, I don't have a care in the world right now and I'm loving it.

"Hey! I am going to go peee!" I say to Amanda. She nods. "What me to come babe?"

I shake my head. "Imma big girl." I say with a slur of my words followed by a giggle.

I hop off the seat and stumble to the bathroom. Once in there I sloppily do my business and walk out. I go to find Amanda and can't see her anywhere. I decide to just let go and dance. After about 3 minutes I felt someone press into my back and grab my hips. I jump and turn around to see a guy smiling down at me. He was cute. Blonde hair, stubble. Around 5'10 and probably 26.

"You looked lonely." He says to me.

"Thanks, I'm not though. I have a boyfriend...at least, I think. I dunno." I reply.

He continues to smile as he grabs my ass and kneads it. I jumped back from him. "Hey! Cut that out!"

The mans eyes darken as he walks towards me. I stumbled back and ended up falling down. No one even turns to look as he bends down and scoops me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I kick and punch and if anyone turns around, the man holds a hand up and mumbles. "She's my girlfriend, had a little too much to drink." And everyone just moves out of his way.

I start to feel dizzy and as we are going out the door, I look up to see Amanda in the corner with her tongue down some girl's throat. I try to call out to her, but we walk outside before I can get anything out.

Once we are out, he walks to an alleyway and throws me down on the ground. I hit my head on the concrete which makes me dizzier than I already was.

"Now, you are going to lay here, and shut the fuck up. After I am done with you, Ill leave you here and leave you alone." He says as he grabs my face with force. I grunt out as I try and fight him off, but he is too strong.

"Help!" I try to scream out.

He slams my head into the concrete again and covers my mouth. Instantly the world blurs and I feel lightheaded.

Am I going to pass out?

I can't tell what's going on. But I heard him unbuckle his pants and begin to unbuckle my jean shorts.

Fight back. I tell myself.

Move Mara! Don't let him do this to you!

I hear the words in my head but can't put those thoughts into action. It's as if I'm no longer in my body but floating above. Just watching.

I am growing tired, too tired to fight anymore. I close my eyes and try to go somewhere else, somewhere warm and nice.


"No, Ill be home shortly. Wait for me." I tell my brother as I'm walking down the road. I suddenly hear a faint "Help." Usually, I would ignore it but something in my gut told me that I knew that voice.

No other sound is made so I am just looking around for anything suspicious. I walked into an alleyway and heard some shuffling. I walk in deeper and take a right and see a guy over a girl. I can't tell if I know either of them, but I can't just leave. I run over and pull the guy off. Peering down I see its Amara. I am stunned for a moment. She's on her back, her head is bleeding a bit, her eyes are glossy, and her shorts are pulled down to her upper thigh. Instantly my blood runs cold. I take my jacket off and cover her body with it before turning to the guy who is now standing.

"Hey man, if you want a turn, I will give it to you. But you gatta wait."

I am disgusted by his words. I calmly place my hands behind my back.

"What is your name?" I ask in a deep voice.

"Uh..Martin" He says confused.

I smile darkly. "Well Martin, you have just made a grave mistake."

Saying nothing more, I grab him by his collar and slam him into the wall. He tries to fight me off, but he is rather weak. I threw him to the ground and stop him face in before kicking his stomach. After that I open my hand to show him the fireball that lies there. He looks into my red eyes and instantly begins screaming. I smile before I throw the ball at him and his body instantly lights on fire.

Afterwards I walk over and bend down beside Amara. She has passed out, so thankfully she didn't see my power usage just now. That would have been a lot to explain. I pick her up bridal style with my jacket still over her and begin to walk to my place.

Once I arrived, I found the house empty, thankfully. I lay the girl down in my bed as I sat beside her. Running my hand down her cheek as I smiled.

Amara stirs as she flutters, her eyes open.

"Jackson?" She asks in a weak voice.

"Shhh" I whisper as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "You are safe now, darling."

A tear fell down her face. "Did he..."

I shake my head. "No, I stopped him before he could do anything."

She seems to relax at those words.

"It's my fault, isn't it?" She asks.

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

"I got drunk... and I wore this." She sighs. "I just wanted my boyfriend to know that I wont just mope around and wait for him to decide he wants me again."

That feeling in my chest comes up again. I flex my hand and unflex.

"Amara." I say sternly as I lean down to her. Our faces mere inches away from each other.  "Nothing that has occurred tonight was your fault. Do you hear me? Not a damn thing. And as for your boyfriend, he is a dumbass. He doesn't deserve you. You don't deserve that."

She looks down to my lips and I to hers before she whispers, "What do I deserve?"

I swallow before looking at her eyes. "More than this world can give."

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