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"Fuck him." Amanda says as she takes a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream.

I groan and throw my head back against the couch. "I feel kind of bad. I just walked out on him."

"Mara?! Hello? He had you waiting for hours on his couch! For not even the first time! You had REASON to walk out!"

"Yeah, but did I have reason to question him?" I ask.

Amanda rolls her eyes and drops her spoon into her ice cream. "I can't tell if you are joking or not."

I shrug, "Why would I be joking?"

She laughs before sitting her ice cream on the coffee table. "Honey, you literally described how a cheater acts. Like everything is exactly how a cheater would do things. Even down to how defensive you said he was when you asked."

I don't have anything to say back to that, because he does show all the signs of cheating.

"If he isn't cheating, he's for sure lying to you. And both are valid reasons to dump his ass." Amanda adds.

"Hm." I reply shortly.

"Dump him and join the kill-all-men movement, babe."

I laugh a bit and shake my head. "Do you ever think men think- "

"No." She cuts me off.

I turn to her confused.

"No, I do not think so." She adds as if that is supposed to make me any less confused.

"I didn't even finish my sentence?"

She shrugs, "Don't have to, the answer is no."

I sigh and stand up, walking over and grabbing my coat.

"Where are you going?" Amanda asks from the couch.

I grab my keys, "Out. I need to clear my head."

"Checklist!" She reminds.

I nod, opening my purse.


"Check." I nod.

"Pepper spray?"


"Air tag?"


"Charged portable charger?"

"Nope." I move a few things around in my purse before smiling.

"Never mind, check!"

"Perfect, just be safe and let me know when you are on your way home."

I smile and open the door. "Will do!"

It's already 11 pm and I know walking by myself isn't the smartest thing to do but I really need to clear my head. And if men can walk any time of day, then fuck, so will I.

I only walk about a mile before some guys start walking behind me and making whistling noises.

I roll my eyes and do my usual thing which is ignore them. However, I walk for another 3 minutes, and they continue to do this. The street we are on is not crowded and actually very dead. There are no cars, no shoppers, no anything besides me and them.

I turn around quickly, looking at the one closest to me in the eyes. "Do you idiots mind?" I ask rudely.

"No babe, we don't mind at all." The closest one says.

"Stop following me. Or I will call the cops."

The boys laugh. "Oh yeah, that scares us off." Another one of the three guys snickers.

"Perhaps I can do the trick then?" I hear another voice. Only this one was much deeper. First, I think it's one of the guys with them who said that, but they are looking around just as confused.

Without warning I see a guy dressed in black step out from the side of a building behind the boys. He swiftly moves and takes down the one farthest from me with one punch. The 2nd boy runs to him hoping to gain advantage but the man in black just moves out of the way and grabs the boy by the back collar of his shirt. Bringing him against the wall. The boy closest to me walks over and tries to hit the man in black while he's distracted with the boy against the wall but the man in black seems to always be a step ahead. He reaches out before the boy can hit him and grabs him with one of the arms, he was previously using to pin the boy to the wall and throws him by the hair across the street to the other side. He then takes the boy against the wall and knees him in the stomach causing him to drop.

When all is said and done, I take a step back a bit.

"Don't be afraid darling." The man in black says as he holds his hands up in defense.

As he gets closer, I see he may just be one of the most beautiful guys I have ever seen. He stands at about 6'1 and has jet-black hair. He isn't very muscular, but he did not look out of shape. He had the most striking green eyes I ever saw and full lips.

I quickly shook myself out of practically eye fucking him and went back into defense mode.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I ask.

The man throws a finger over his shoulder at the guys still on the ground. "I don't do that for my health dear." He says sarcastically.

I shrug a bit; he's got a point.

"I can't stand men like that. Makes me have even less hope for humanity." The man goes on to say.

I stared at him, not really sure of how I should continue this interaction.

Noticing this, he tilts his head to the side as if studying me. "You are weary of me." He slowly takes more steps toward me before he stands directly in front of me. He looks down at me as I look up at him. I can feel his body heat from how close he is, I don't know why I don't move away. But I can't.

"Good." He whispers before walking around me and down the street.

When he was finally gone, I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I swear New York has every type of human you can possibly meet. Including mysterious strangers who walk the streets at midnight. But as I look at the guys on the ground, still clearly in pain, I have one thought about the man.

He saved me tonight. 

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