𝒱𝒶 𝓉𝑒 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓉𝓇𝑒

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                                        .•~ ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི

"Voltair high school has made a grand decision
to mingle students by introducing girls onto the premises" My father reads,  a letter that appears to be the victim of a slight coffee spill grasped in his hand. "This means y/n, that you will start attending with your brother at Voltair high. We expect the absolute highest of you due to your brother success. You are required to follow in his foot steps" he says looking above his narrowed reading glasses. "I understand papa. I won't disappoint you" I chime in. "Good. This is a fresh start so it better not be like last time"

By "last time" he's obviously referring to my multiple skipped classes, fights, and failing grades from your last school. I knew this but Voltair was a new start. No one would know about my past behavior and I could even make new friends and with the boys there, maybe find something more.

𝟩:𝟦𝟥 𝒶𝓂

A ray of light hits me in my eyes, the sound of a train ringing in the distance muffled by the talk of those on the street. "Man is it bright, what time is it" I think "FUCK!"

"that wont give me nearly enough time god dammit" I rushed out of my bed.

I want to blend in on my first day but not look bad. I threw on a pleaded, light brown skirt with black tights, and a white button down covered by a long sleeve red low U cut that was tight enough to fit my frame just right. After a few moments of indecisiveness I chose to put on mascara, some blush, and a red lip gloss, just a little.

Perfect! I slipped my feet into some Mary janes, grabbed my school bag and met my brother at the front of the house. "Is that... lipgloss? And heels? Papa wont like that" He chuckled "Shut up! He wont see if you keep your voice down" I snapped back "im excited to meet all your friends when we get there-" "yeah thats not happening, while were at school I'm not your brother. Pretend you don't know me at all even, sound good?" I was taken aback. "Yeah fine"

Walking a couple blocks behind my brother, I started to day dream of what people I was going to meet and how I am going to make my father proud. "DAMMIT" I turned my head to see a blonde boy with round glasses running at me, full speed. I got completely knocked back. I was stunned.

He collapsed on top of me. "Are you ok?" he asked hovering over me. "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING NEXT TIME" my leg got scrapped open from the cold concrete under my thigh "oh shit sorry-" "YEAH I BET YOU ARE IM GOING TO BE LATE NOW BECAUSE OF YOU" I got up looking at the opened wound on my left leg. Before further inspection I got up, dusted myself off and ran away. "what was that guys problem?"

Thankfully, I got there right on time despite that weird guy. Stepping through the gates all eyes were glued to me. The courtyard is silent no laughter just stares. "oh my gosh" I mumble trying to avoid their glaring eyes "just get to the board you can do this" I walked to the board unfazed. "Lets seee" before I could finish looking a girl just a bit shorter then me sneaks up behind me.

"My names Simone! I've been waiting to come in for a while but i waited for you to go in first" "Y/n L/n and I get that. It was nerve wracking." We chuckled to ourselves. "What happened to your leg?" "oh some asshole ran into me this morning and knocked me right off my feet! I swear if i see that guy again-"

As I turned to face the gates my face was shoved right into someones chest. Realizing, I apologized profusely before hearing "You're going to what?" towering over you was the boy with a sly smirk on his face looking you up and down "uh- uh" I stutter "spit it out" he grins "I'm going to tell him to be more fucking careful next time when running into people" I said composing myself.

"Well I didn't want to be late now did I?" He quickly glanced at the board "See you in class"

Shit he was right, we both had Mrs. Giraud. This is fine. I can work with this. I just have to get through class with that asshole.

in class

"hello class my name is Mrs. Giraud with a D for discipline" Her speech was so boring I almost dozed off. "L/n" I snapped back to reality "here!" I could hear chuckling right beside me. That boy was seated not even a foot away from me. "Descamps" "here!" he said mocking me. All of his friends started to laugh. I'm already tired of this class.

I saw Decamps pull out a pen and start passing a note around to the boys in class. He was laughing his ass off. "Hey, L/n" he whispered to me "what now" I thought "what" I snarked
"I felt them when you bumped into me" he started to laugh.

I was to tired for this bull shit. I stood up right in-front of his desk and slammed his pen under my hand "Va te faire foutre. You think I care about you? I wouldn't let you see my boobs if someone payed me a million dollars. Get a life." Ooo's started echoing the classroom. I sat back down as he death stared me for the rest class. I hate him.

𝒞𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 (Joseph Descamps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now