𝓘𝓵 𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾

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Time jump 2 days

"Mrs. L/n. MRS. L/N" I was frightened away from my day dreaming. I squinted at the board trying to make out the messy cursive. "ummm 76?" I guessed. "Incorrect. Maybe next time we should pay attention rather then keeping our head in the clouds. Now," She continued to ramble on but that day I just couldn't focus with him sitting so close. I could almost hear his breathing and it bothered me deeply. We hadn't spoken since that night at his house except a couple expected giggles from him and his fellow boys. How could someone be so confusing. Was he insane? He had to be playing some mind game with me and either way I am done with it. "Y/nn" he taunted, "you don't want to miss this, pay attention" he whispers in my ear. "you're one to talk.  You're always up to something do you even care about school?" I snickered. "I care when you're here" he sneered as he grabbed my pencil straight out of my hand and held it above his head. "Come get it Y/n" He laughed raising his voice. "Descamps give it back your so childish" I combated. Despite this remark I got up to reach for it but not before Descamps stood up. Dangling it above my head he chuckled "Try harder Y/n!" "BOTH OF YOU down to the dean right now. Descamps I'm tired of this disrespectful behavior. One more time and its detention for both of you. Go. Now" The teacher wailed.

Descamps gave me a smug look like he'd accomplished something by making himself look so foolish. "Of course Mrs. I'm sorry it wont happen again" I apologized before grabbing my leather school bag and walking him to the office. Halfway to the deans office I hit him in his back. Hard. "WHAT THE FUCK" He tried to yell through his winded breaths "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU? I CAN'T RISK GETTING KICKED OUT OF THIS SCHOOL DO YOU KNOW MY FATHER? ILL BE DEAD IF-" Just then before i could finish a word he grabbed my wrist pulling me into the nearest classroom before covering my mouth. Our bodies were pressed together against the concrete walls his heavy breaths pushing me further into it. "SHH you were yelling. If you keep that up you're getting detention for sure. His head aligned with his body as he turned to face me. I could almost feel the weight of the tension. I looked deep into his ash brown eyes. I felt like I was pulled to them i couldn't look away. "Stop looking at me like that seriously. My plan was just to not go to the deans you almost got us in worse shit then we already are." But I didn't stop staring. I couldn't. I was entranced. Was he always this beautiful? How could I not notice.

He removed his hand from my mouth moving it to cup my cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too" "it's all forgiven. Just be careful. I don't want you in detention without me." He ran his thumb down to my lips with a gleam on his face, his other hand moving towards my waist. "Why choose to do this now?" "Is it not okay?" His eyes rested on my lips "I never said that" Descamps breathing got heavier as he moved towards my face. Our lips met slowly at first but increasing in pace. They searched for each other  as he ran his hands up through my hair gripping like it was the best thing he'd ever felt. His hands rubbed up my side gently tightening each time we kissed. This. This is what I've been yearning for since that study session at his house. And it was better then I imagined. "Y/N!?" shit. Of course someone catches me. I can't have one good thing. It was Annick. "Y/n what are you two doing your supposed to be in the office." She said concerned. "I think its pretty clear what were doing" He simpered. I covered his mouth "Oh right! I just left my gym uniform in here yesterday i was getting it before going down there" I released my self from under Joseph and walked over to her. "Pinky promise me you wont tell anyone" I whispered holding out my finger. "I promise don't worry just get there before you get a worse punishment" She sighed "Thank you I owe you!" I exclaimed, grabbing Descamps sleeve and dragging him to the office.

In the deans office

"Nice of you two to join us." The dean eyed sarcastically. "Y/n your hair is very messy please keep it brushed when you are at school." "Im sorry" I said combing through my hair with my fingers. "I suspect you both know why you are here. Now, this is mostly towards you Mr. Descamps. You are constantly causing trouble for other students just to get a laugh at their expense. And Ms L/n I'm sure you were barely responsible so I am going to punish as fit. Y/n you will simply serve one period of lunch detention. However, Descamps you will have detention for the rest of the week" He took off his glasses with a disappointed look on his face as he intwined his fingers. "Wait no." I chimed "I was being disrespectful too I was the one who stood up and made a scene. You shouldn't punish him more for the disruption I caused." Descamps looked at me, his eyes lighting up with surprise. "Thats very kind of you to admit your wrong doings and because of that I am going to shorten your sentences to only three days. You may go back to class" "Thank you sir"

As we walked back to the classroom he grabbed my shoulder "why did you lie about that? There was no need to seriously, I get detention all the time" he looked at me puzzled by my actions. " A week is a long time and I didn't want you to get ALL the blame. Plus it'll give us more time together." I smirked walking off to my next class.

Thank you guys for 100 reads on my first book I'm very grateful! I'm sorry it's been a while since I've written but I hope you enjoyed 💗

𝒞𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 (Joseph Descamps x reader)Where stories live. Discover now