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5pm friday (a day later)

"One more sentence, and I can finally go to bed" I said resting my head on my tired hand. The work at this school was killing me but it was worth it if it meant me and Descamps could continue going to school together.

"Finally" I groaned slamming my pencil down. I tucked my hair behind my ear and layed my face on my cold desk before hearing a knock at my door. I jumped up, "come in!" I yelled. "Y/nnnn" Standing there smiling dressed in a green, short, flowey party dress was Simone.

"How do you feel about going out tonight? Theres this party just down the road and almost everyone from school will be there" "Thanks Simone but Im too tired right now. Theres so much work at this school" I sigh colapsing my head into my arms. "Come on please Y/N I'm going to see this boy and I'm too nervous to go alone." I sat there giving myself time to think "Give me a couple minutes to get ready I'll be out soon" I said pushing her out of the room. "Thank you!" She exclaimed giddily.

I grabbed a red v neck dress cut to my mid thigh, a small heart necklace, black heels and my purse. When I walked down the stairs Simone stared at me like I had just walked out in a gown. "Stunning!" she shrieked.

"So who's this boy you're going to meet?" I said kicking rocks at my feet "oh ykk just ur brother"
"EW SIMONE ARE YOU BEING HONEST" "yeah sorry i didnt tell u before we left!" she grinned "if i would have known that i wouldn't have come" "welll Descamps will be there so you'll be pretty occupied" I paused my walking "How did you-, ANNICK ugh she promised not to tell anyone" Simone put her arm around my shoulder "you're secrets safe with me"

We get to the entrance of the house. It's large and white with two giant pillars supporting the ceiling above the beautiful front porch. Some boys a grade higher greeted us. "Lovely as always" They said struggling to look up from our dresses. The inside of the house wasn't what you'd expect. It was rustic with careful woodwork sprawled about. Turning the corner to the living room I spotted Annick and the other girls huddled around the couch. Annick was as always shit talking the teachers in a drunken haze, "I mean CAN YOU BELIEVE they won't let me be class president, I thought this was an exclusive school come on-" She must have spotted me from the corner of her eye "Y/N! I didn't think you'd make it, I didn't take you for a party person." she said putting down her glass "well im here now, im gonna go grab a drink wanna come with?" I said grabbing her hand to lead her to the bar. "i think im good for now but I saw Descamps here earlier go ask him" She smirked. My face dropped, why does everyone always bring him up.

I got to a white table housing a giant bottle of vodka. Downing a shot, I spot Joseph. He was leaned against the wall talking to someone. I walk over and tapped his shoulder to get his attention but got no response. "Descamps, Hey!" I exclaim thinking he couldn't hear me due to the music "HEY" he turned around with a sharp look on his face. His friend who he was talking too started to chuckle "O Descamps is this you're new lady? You know how to pick em all right" his mate said looking me up and down "Shove off" he snapped turning to me "what is it" "I just wanted to thank you for yesterday" I said. His eyes widened, almost as if he was shushing me without saying. "ill be right back." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom upstairs.

"Can you not talk to me in front of my friends ?it's embarrassing Y/n" He whispered. "You're the one who kissed me, how are you embarrassed? And I was just being cordial. You could go this whole party without saying a word to me for all I care." I said jerking his hand off of my wrist.
"just stay away from me at this party ok" He grumbled storming out of the bathroom and back to the party.

"Whats got his panties in a bunch i was just being nice" I thought to myself fixing my H/C hair in the mirror. I collect myself and walk down the stairs before hearing Simone scream "Y/n where have you been?! Here try this!" she shoved a giant bottle of rum in my face. She grabs 8 shot glasses and pours in the amber liquor. "Lets see who can get more go!" We start shooting down the drinks and before I finish my 6th I see Descamps leant over a girl standing against the wall. I slam down my last shot and storm over to him. "Philos for nerds" I hear him say to the girl causing her to let out an agonizing chuckle. Barely conscious I grad his shoulder to steady myself. He looks down at me in confusion "Y/n what are you doing" he mutters. Without a second thought in my hazed mind I grab his hand, spinning him to face me. I look up at him for a fee seconds at his confused face.

I pull him closer before kissing him. I can see the girl get uncomfortable. "You're drunk," He scowels. "yeahh" I slur. I try to walk off but he pulls me back. He grabs my waist and leads me to a bedroom upstairs. "God Y/n you can't do this to me." he says slamming the door "Im sorry im not really thinking straight right no-" "I've been trying to ignore you all night but you won't let up it's like I can't control myself when I'm around you." he says biting his knuckles "Oh I'm sorry seriously I didn't mean to make you upset I just wanted to talk and I've fucked it up. I'll leave" I reach for the door knob before being met with his lips. He takes my hand off the door knob keeping our lips connected. I grab his face running my hands through his dirty blonde hair.

His body leads me to the bathroom connected to the room. He fixes his hands at my sides and lifts me up onto the cold, marble countertop. His hands run up and down my thighs as he moves around my top lip. He slides his hand deeper into the crack of my thighs rubbing his thumb around the outside of my dress. He pulls away. "Did you wear this dress for me?" He smirked. I just nodded. "Is this ok?" He asks twirling my hair around on his finger. Again all I can do is nod.

His hands hooked onto my laced underwear as he sucked on my neck like he was addicted. I squirmed eagerly to get them off and he traces my lips with his fingers, searching. His fingers enter me as I let out a slight moan. But he seems to enjoy it more them I am. "I need you Y/N" he mutters under his groans. He goes faster, in and out, his thumb rubbing my clit. each time forcing a exited moan out of my mouth. "I couldn't take my eyes off of you all night, you're gorgeous" He whispers into my ear. "fuck im close" I whimper. That same smug grin returns to his face, like he just won a medal. I finish before giving him one last breathy kiss. "You're perfect," he smiles. I can smell the alcohol on his breath, neither of us will remember this in the morning.

I jump of the countertop to put back on you're garments. I checked my appearance in the mirror but notice a giant hickey right on the side of my neck just visible and big enough for everyone to see. " Fuck!" I exclaim. He noticed too "Bummer, now everyone knows you're taken" he chuckles as he lights a cigarette. "do you have anything I could wear to cover this" you stress. "nope thats the consequences of you're actions" he reaches for the door but stops to come back and kiss my forehead. "see you later" he says slamming the door behind him.

"what a cunt" I mumble myself trying to stumble down the stairs. I try to sneak out unnoticed but im once again spotted by my friends, "stop disappearing you had me worried you got kidnapped or something!" simone jumps "you look a mess what were you doing up there"  I need to make up a good lie they can't find out I was with a boy that bullied me. "throwing up" I slurred. They all had the same concerned look on their face. "Lets get you home" Annick suggested before they both put their arms around my shoulder and led me out of the house.

almost 800 reads is crazy I know I've been neglecting this book but I'm so so happy u guys like it!! more will be coming soon I promise MWAH 💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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