2. Astoria Black

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Happy Birthday Hina and O-Tama! March 3rd

"Grandpa, I am home." you said as you removed your shoes. A tall muscular man with a line like scar on his eye came instead of your grandpa.

"Good evening Ms. Astoria" he greeted.

"Why so formal Enzo? Oh do we have visitors?" you asked. He nodded as a response. You gestured to him that you'll come after changing your outfit and he agreed. 

You quickly changed your school wear to a white shirt and black striped coat. Then you walked downstairs to the meeting room where they were gathered. 

The moment you entered everyone except your grandfather got up. You merely nod your head as you sat on the couch, legs crossed and hand resting on the sides.

Enzo lit your cigaratte. You took a puff from it and asked, "So what's the motive of this 'meeting?' What do you guys want?"

"Huh. Who are you to ask that?" A guy in yellow coat asked with disgust in his voice, "What is a woman doing here? This isn't a place to play around."

"1 More word. Speak one more word and you can say good bye to this life" Corazon warned in a dangerous tone. 

"Idiot. Don't you know who are you talking to? She is Astoria, Astoria Black, the sole heir to the yakuza, black family."

The man trembled and fell into his knees, "Ackk I am sorry Astoria Sama. Please spare my life." He pleaded.

You clicked your tongue, "Pathetic. So tell me now, what's your motive?"

"They want us to give them a share of our territory in Wano." Enzo filled in for you.

"What's in for us?" you asked. 

"We'll be under your command. Anytime you want you can ask help from us." a bald guy answered.

"Tch. I don't think it's a good deal for us. What do you say grandpa?" you said tossing the cigratte outside.

"I too agree with Tori." he said in a stern voice.

"Cora-san, what do you have to say?" you asked. He gestured that he has the same decision as your grandfather, aka Alfred Black.

"Enzo, anything to add?"

"Nothing, Ms Astoria."

"Then its finalised. I ask you to take your leave now then. Unless you have anything else to put forward to."

Suddenly every person who came to propose this deal pointed their guns at you four.

"Times up. We asked you nicely. Guess you want to do it the hard way."

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