19. trueth Revealed

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"ang-angraj-AngRaj karn is my jyesht-jyesht? bhrata duryodhana, did you here it?". Arjun asked weekly as he fell into suyo's arms. Suyodhana nodded, still shocked as arjun fainted in suyo's arms.

Without waiting for another second , suyo carried arjun to arjun'schambers.

His mind was completely blank. He didn't know if he should feal happy , pitty, angry, or sad. After he placed arjun jently on his bed, he walked like a robot through the coridoors as he came face to face with a worried karn.

"mitr?". karn called and suyodhana broke out of his Reverie. "mi—". He stopped midsentence as he didn't know what to call his now half-brother , his cousin. "what is it, mitr?". Karn asked, oblivious to his friends inner Turmoil.

"nothing, arjun has fainted. I think he's sick. He said and scurried away, averting his gace from a more worried karn.

He had been told who ploted this reched plan and he was on his way to apologise to arjun for his Misbehaviour with arjun.

He came to know this from a dasi who had come to give him a letter from anga. He didn't know if arjun knew it or not. He just wanted to appologise for his misbehaviour with arjun, whom he had started to consider as his brother.

"what is wrong with this guy? Karn thought as suyodhana scurried away from him, averting his gace from his face".

Karn turned and went to the pandava's common chambers, where yudhishtir was busy with a Scroll, bhim was busy munching on a fruit, Twirling his mace in the air as if it was a plaything, nakul admiring himself in the mirror and stroking a mouse on its head lovingly, and Sahadev was busy reading a book, twirling his pen.

As karn entered, bhim looked up at him, still twirling his mace in the air.

"did arjun have any problem since morning? Karn asked and everybody stopped doing whatever they were busy doing.

"bhrata arjun? I guess he was all energetic today, especially after meeting with madhav's family?". Nakul remarke and karn nodded.

"he has fainted and is currently being checked upon by a Vaidya. Mitr duryodhana doubts if he is sick".

Karn said and the pandavas stood up, worry visible on their faces.

They followed karn into arjun's chambers, where the royal Physician was checking on arjun.

"what is wrong, vaidyaji? Yudhishtir asked.

"nothing, yuvaraja. He is in a shock. Will wake up soon. Somebody be with him tonight".

The Vaidya instructed as he left the room.

"shock? What made bhrata arjun so shocked that he fainted? Did that demon come again? " nakul thought and shuddered as Sahadev looked at him, confused.

"do you know something kul? Sahadev asked and nakul shook his head violently. No, nothing, dev. I just had a scary thought, nakul lied Efficiently.

"shhhh " "bothof you, shut up,.". bhim said and glared at both his younger siblings, who shut their mouths obediently.

· **.

Arjun slowly opened his eyes as he felt someone caressing his head. His head aiked terribly as he failed to recognise or remember where he was and what had happened to him.

"where am i?". he asked weekly.

"in your room, anuj". Yudhishtir's jentle voice reached his ear and arjun fully opened his eyes.

"I was going to mata's --- he stopped midsentence as memmories hit him like strong waves of an ocian.

"did I lose consciousness, jyesht? he asked looking at yudhishtir, who nodded.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now