Why are you here??

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Sara walked upstairs and saw Tucker with his friends well she was quite shocked to see 'HIM'.
She went towards Tucker and hugged him
Tucker - How are you sister?
Ryan and His friends - SISTER!???
Tucker - Oh yeah she is Sara Rose my cousin sister and the heiress of the Rose Family. (He said innocently)
Sara - Hi nice to meet you all
Alex - Hi I am Alex and they are Jack , Jackson and Ryan .
(Ryan was still in shock and was trying to process what was happening)
(Sara took them all to the basement and they all started to Spend time but Ryan did not even spoke a word )
(Few minutes later Sara went to the kitchen in the ground floor and Ryan also excused himself and went after her)
Ryan - Hey Sara
Sara - Hi ?
Ryan - I'm sorry
Sara - For?
Ryan - The mean words I told you on our first meet I hope you can accept my apology
Sara - Just because now you know I am from a rich family?(she scoffed)
(Ryan was just looking down actually Ryan was feeling guilty of the way he spoke to Sara at first but his ego couldn't let him apologize)
(Everyone left even Tucker he had some works to finish up)
Next Day

                                  Sara's fit for the university As usual Sara reached the university in her bike and all the boys crushing over her she just rolled her eyes and went towards her locker Their she found an "I'M SORRY" note and some c...

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Sara's fit for the university
As usual Sara reached the university in her bike and all the boys crushing over her she just rolled her eyes and went towards her locker
Their she found an "I'M SORRY" note and some chocolates
She just mentally smiled at it
The university got over and Sara was just leaving when she was pulled into a classroom and the doors shut behind her
Sara - What the heck Ryan!?
Ryan - I'm sorry I just want to tell you something
Sara - What is it?
Ryan - I heard Casy and her gang were going to get you kidnapped and beat you so I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this
Sara - ok
Ryan - and
Sara - ???
Ryan - Actually I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for what I did before it was because of my parents (I don't know why I was telling her these but ugh I don't know)
Sara - Ok
Ryan - Actually my parents they are trying control my life and make me do whatever they want so I got angry and when I reached university I was already pissed and then I bumped into you and instead of apologizing all my anger went on you ( he said in one breath)
Sara - It's ok I understand ( she just left)
( Few weeks went by and Sara and Ryan actually started to become friends Sara still did not trusted Ryan because of her past )
Ryan - Hey Sara wanna go to the arcade
Sara - Yeah I'm down
(Casy heard this and was still trying to get back on Sara)
( the day ended Sara had few things left behind so she stayed in the university until everyone else left)
(Sara walked out of the building towards her bike but suddenly someone put a cloth in her mouth she tried to hit the person but 3 more people came and Sara fainted)
I called Sara many times but her phone was coming off I was getting worried I called Tucker to ask if she was with him and he said She was not their my heart was beating really fast I started to panic
I tried to move but it was like I was paralyzed I started to open my eyes everything was blurred in front of me and when I got awake properly I saw my hands , my legs and my torso tied to the chair I was sitting on and I looked front to see 5 men with their dirty smirks on and CASY I felt anger all over me but I was feeling weak really really weak flashbacks started to come I remembered how my best friend betrayed me I started to feel suffocating.
Unit I felt someone pulling my hair I looked up it was Casy I started to scream in pain it was like someone burning my leg I looked towards my leg and saw one of Casy's chicks putting hair straightener on my leg it was heated I felt pain tears were streaming down my eyes as I was about to faint due to the immense pain I saw someone break open the doors with the cops I couldn't see who it was as it was all blurry in front of me and I fainted
I saw her lifeless body faint I rushed towards her opened all the ropes that were tied to her took her body in my hand and rushed towards the ambulance that was outside just hoping that she won't leave me .
(After 7 hours )
She did not woke up yet I was looking at her body with all those wires connected to her body. My heart was aching I was feeling suffocating with the view I was looking at , guilt was all upon me I thought if I could have reached in time then this would have not happened to her .
'I am sorry this all happened because of me'
(After 1 hour)
I woke up with immense headache I looked at my surroundings realizing I was in the hospital I looked at my side and saw Ryan sleeping with dried tears in his face I remembered what happened and also Ryan's words actually I was half awake at that time but I did not feel like to wake up I moved my hands through his hair.
Due to the sudden movement Ryan woke and called for the doctors he was happy to see her awake and guilty at the same time too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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