Review 6: The Kingmaker

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Book: The Kingmaker

1. What I believe makes your book unique: Meritorious writing style! The usage of literary devices and vivid descriptions is commendable. The writing is comprehendible for the general audience (perhaps if read carefully at once) yet unique and exquisite. I even caught onto a few things that I could use for the benefit of my own story.

2. Things I like and appreciate: This book was not my genre, but your distinct writing kept me clicking the 'Next Part'. And I can say that your book just might be the one to draw me into this side of literature.

Tetsuya seems to have been crafted brilliantly in your book. What I find fascinating about your writing style is that even though I haven't finished reading the entire book, the few chapters I have gone through have helped me understand Tetsuya's character so well. The way you have presented the character through his conversations is remarkable. Your writing has a unique style that can convey a lot through very little. It's impressive!

Particularly in your book, the characters in the story are multi-layered, and their personalities develop with each chapter. This makes them even more interesting. As the story progresses, the reader becomes more invested in the characters and anticipates their reactions.

The way you depicted the conversations inforced, in relation to the ongoing period is also almost accurate, which is not an easy technique to master.

3. Room for improvement: Honestly, I believe I faced this issue because this book was unusually distinct from the genres I am familiar with. Thus, I had trouble understanding the whole backdrop of the Kings and such. Though it cannot be denied, that you are skilled in the technique to explain your characters and background, I would keep this as more of a personal issue than a section for general improvement. But what you could do for newly introduced readers like me is to create specific chapters to explain the environment in the period, so it's easier to understand what's happening around in your story.

Perhaps also try writing a few chapters in the first person. Though, I'm not sure if you might have done that in the later chapters of the story. But your book would be more relatable and life-like with this small change.

4. Conclusion: Remarking that I couldn't point out any major issues in your story, you're extremely skilled in the aspect of writing. I believe you should continue with your skill and introduce more books for your audience as well because in all honesty, from what I have searched, your writing is distinct and of supreme quality. Good going!

5. Bonus Tip: Could create a playlist, maybe. I found it would be fun and bring more joy to the reading experience with some music on the back.

Author's note: I know my last chapter was posted on 26 Oct'23 and presently, it's 2024! All I can say is I took quite a break from writing books and just shifted more towards poetry for a while. Also, this semester had been quite hectic for me. But, I'll really try to balance everything out. Extremely sorry for the delay and such a short review. 

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