Chapter 9

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I step out of the car that Alex Stone's management team put on for me. I have to say they've gone to an awful lot of trouble; they must really need this man's acting cleaning up so much that he squeaks by the end of it. I pull Honey-Belle into me and give her a kiss. Being on the flight had stressed her out as it was her first time, but they did let me take her into the cabin with me providing I kept her in her carrier. 

My flight from Dallas was upgraded to first class and I enjoyed reclining my seat and getting stuck into my new Lucy Score book, I'm a sucker for romance and smut and she sure does deliver. The air hostess was a pretty young woman with ice blonde hair and green eyes that shone like emeralds, wasted in my opinion serving drinks to rich people when she could be adorning cat walks especially with her height and slender build. A black stretch limo was waiting for me when I got through arrivals after being greeted by a good-looking chap around his thirties, with jet black hair and brown eyes. I saw him holding a white card with my name on it in black and headed straight for him.

"Madison Lane?" He asked in an accent I'd not place from around these parts, he more of a southern twang to it.

"The one and only." He took my heavy shoulder bag and my trolley with cases and yes, I did end up packing nearly half my wardrobe. I told you; I have a very special wardrobe that's taken me some time to build and no way was I leaving most of it behind in Texas. Although right now I'm wishing I'd packed more jumpers and actually had one on. The fall weather is a little cooler here in Aspen.

The driver led me to the car parked right out front and opened the back door for me to get inside and then placed my luggage in the boot of the car. "We'll be at Mr. Stone's place in about twenty minutes. Relax and enjoy the journey. Would you like a talk and guide as I drive, Miss Lane?"

"No, I'm good thanks. I'll just take it all in myself." And sure, enough that's what I did. I've been to Aspen before skiing with my bestie but that was some time ago. It's a beautiful place one of the prettiest places I've been to, another one of my favorite places is West Virginia. I have an aunty who lives there, my mom's sister Belinda and her husband and four kids. I make a mental note to remind myself that I'm due a visit back to theirs at some point after this damn assignment is over.

I take in the magnificent mountains as they dominate the skyline, they're imposing and beautiful. I've always been taken with mountains, their formation and how majestic they are. I'm a hiker and there is nothing better than being on the trails up high and having the wonderous views that it can offer. A thrill passes through my body of the activities I can do whilst I'm here. There will no doubt be some highlights to this assignment, and I sure intend on making the most of it.

Glancing out the limo window I see a few runners some with some without dogs by their sides and it strikes me how carefree and easy they all look. I live in Austen where it's kind of busy and bustling. Not New York City madness but nonetheless it's a big city with lots of people all going someplace.

"We're nearly there, Miss Lane." The driver says. I nod my head and see in front of us a sign, it reads Pitkin County with white bold lettering on a dark green background. Cute.

The driver meanders along the gentle curving road and drives through some iron gates, I glance up to read what it says, Owl Creek Ranch. Wow it sure looks impressive. Each side of the drive is flanked by fir and conifer trees and the mountains are so close it looks like you could touch them.

After a few minutes he begins to slow down, and my mouth opens so wide my jaw almost hits my knees. In front of me is the largest house I have ever set my eyes on. I mean gigantic and I did spot a lake to my right. The green fields stretch for miles. It's like being in something out of a Hollywood movie. Alex Stone must be worth a fortune and then some. I mean, I know hockey players in NHL get paid an enormous amount of money but this single story, glass fronted with wood pillar property must be worth in excess of $60 million. I let out a breath.

Ice Bound Hearts   A fake dating, hockey sports romance book1 of The Austin IceWhere stories live. Discover now