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I am terribly sorry for that! I've been really busy with school and family stuff, but now I'm back! and I'll be updating more and more every time. :) I really hope you guys like this chapter, I know a lot of you have been waiting for what seems like forever now lol. I would really appreciate some lovely feedback on it :3 welllllp, I better stop talking now lol. I love you all, I'll see you after you finish. c: VOTE. FAN. READ. ENJOY. <3


I woke up extra early this morning. I was beyond excited and also nervous about my "meeting" with Lexi later on today.

After my hour long shower, I went over to my closet to choose what I was going to wear. "I have to look my very best for Lexi" I thought. I smile to myself, just thinking about her brought a smile to my face.

I tried on about ten outfits before I finally made up my mind on what to wear. I had on a red, black and white plaid shirt on with a black sports bra underneath that was slightly exposed due to the unbuttoning of the first three buttons. I wore black jeans; although tight, I managed to sag them a little above mid-butt, barely exposing the red boxers I was wearing. I had my red hightop converse on, I put my black G-Shock on my wrists and I had tossled my hair close to perfection.

Looking down at my watch I realize I had about three hours before Lexi showed up. "hmmm," I wonder, "how about we make this 'meeting' a little more fun?".

I go downstairs to the kitchen and start searching up and down for something good to cook. "pasta! perfecto!" I yell in a really bad Italian accent.

It was 5:52 now, Lexi should be here any minute now. I had set up the table with two chairs opposite of eachother. I dimmed the lights and put two long, white, magnolia scented candles in the middle of the table. I had gone out to the garden after finishing up the pasta to pick out some flowers for Lexi, so I took the time to clip three beautiful roses that were put in a long, slim vase in the middle of the two candles, the candle light reflecting a gorgeous shade of red from the petals.

I heard a car pull up in the drive way. "That must be her!" I get up and fix my slightly wrinkled up shirt. Waiting for the doorbell to ring, I realize that I smell of dirt and parmesan cheese. yeaaaah, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to do all of this AFTER I got dressed.

I race upstairs to put on some D.O and some Axe, on my way down the stairs I hear the doorbell ring followed by three light taps on the door. Good, at least it doesn't look like I was waiting at the door for her like a weirdo. My heart starts racing and I could feel my palms getting sweaty. Chill. It's just Lexi. Same old Lexi you've been friends with for ever and this is just a same old conversation we always have. Okay, I can do this.

I grab the doorknob and open the door with enthusiasm "Heeeeey...." my enthusiasm quickly fades away as soon as I opened the door, "Adam?!" Adam! What was he doing here?! Lexi would be here any minute and knowing him, he'd probably ruin everything; I mean, I love my friend and all, but he did have a tendency of fucking things up. "Adam! w...what are doing here?" I stutter out. "Welllll, if SOMEBODY would take a couple of seconds of her life to check her phone then MAYBE this visit wouldn't be such a sursprise to you!" I pull out my phone from my pocket. fuck, he's right. I had 36 unread messages and 17 missed calls. "yeah, so don't say I didn't warn you" Adam tries to get past the doorway but I push the door to block him from coming inside. I can't let him see all I've done for Lexi! "uhhh, you can't come inside...umm I have a rare disease that will make your eyeballs fall out in 24 hours, I'd run if I were you! go! save yourself!" he pushes harder to get in, "Alex, I know you oh too well, what're you hiding in there?" fuck. I can't hold on much longer. After a couple of more pushea and pulls I give up and let him come in. He looks over to the table and then over to me, everything is quiet for a moment until Adam's words break the silence "Is this all for Lexi?" I look up in shock, "how did you..." "I didn't," he interrupts, "but I'm sure this has something to do with this." he pulls out a letter from his back pocket and places it on my hand, "Alex" it read on the front of the envelope. "When did she give you this?" I ask. "I ran into her on her way over here, she askes where I was going and I said I was headed here, she put this in my hands and asked for me to give it to you, she told me she thought this would be better than just leaving it in your mailbox" I don't understand. if she was on her way over here, why didn't she just give it to me herself? and did this mean she wasn't going to show up after all? My thoughts get interrupted once again by Adam's voice, "she turned away crying, got in her car and left. I tried stopping her to ask her what was wrong but she just sped everything okay with you two?" No. "Yes, Adam," I lie, "everything's just peachy. umm, could you come visit some other time? I kinda have this really big project I have to work on and yeah, I just really have to do this and..." "It's okay, Alex. You need time alone, I understand. Just call me if you need anything, you know I'm always here for you." he gave me a warm smile, hugged me and walked out.

I was upstairs in my room now. I cleaned everything up and put a note on the pasta that read "Made dinner for you Mom, enjoy". I stare at the envelope that was laying on my hands waiting patiently to be opened. So many questions ran through my head and I knew the only thing that would have all the answers is whatever was written inside this envelole. I took a deep breath in and broke the seal. The envelope was now open.


Sooooo, tell me what you think about it. :D if you want more, ask for it and I will continue with this story! c: Thank you to all who are reading this! I love y'all and I hope you keep reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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