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About 5 years ago, when Y/n was 15 years old. Y/n was in the main city, buying clothes and groceries for his family.

Right before the shopkeeper handed him his bag of groceries, someone grabbed it and ran. Y/n was not in the mood for playing. 

He fell into the ground, startling the poor shopkeeper. Y/n, who was now a shadow, slithered away, chasing the thief.

The thief walked into a secluded area as Y/n followed closely behind, jumping out of his shadow to tackle the thief.

With a swift motion, the thief was pinned onto the ground, their head being held by Y/n. The groceries rolled out of their bag, making a mess.

The thief yelled out a spell, making Y/n jump away to dodge. He narrowed his eyes at the thief. A two-liner.

"Stay away or I'll kill you, kid!"

They clumsily stood up, crushing an innocent cream puff that rolled out of the bag of groceries. Y/n let out a low gasp.

"I... You're gonna regret that."





That was just for some cool sound effects.

The fight ended fairly quickly with Y/n throwing the thief to the wall, making them pass out. I mean... Making it pass out. 

Y/n kneeled down in front of the mushy cream puff. 

"I'm so sorry..."

Then, a hand, holding a bag of fresh cream puffs appeared next to Y/n's head. He looked back to see an old man with glasses, very long hair, and a long beard. The blue cloak that he wore had a superior vibe to it.

"Here. Why don't you have mine instead?"

Y/n was flabbergasted as he picked up the bag of groceries that still had untouched stuff in it and stood up.

"There's no need, really..."

The old man smiled softly.

"It's alright. You wanted to give the cream puffs to your family, right?"

"... Really? I can take it?"

He nodded and Y/n had an excited smile on his face. He grabbed the bag of fresh cream puffs and bowed to the old man.

"Thank you so much! Mister..?"

The old man chuckled.

"My name is Wahlberg Baigan. You can just call me-"

"Wait, HUH!? A-aren't you the headmaster of that one famous academy?"

Y/n's mouth was gaping as his mind tried to process the sudden appearance of the Headmaster of Easton Magic Academy.

Wahlberg chuckled when seeing Y/n's reaction.

"So you do know me. That will make it much easier for me to explain."

"Explain what..?"

"I've seen the fight you had with that two-liner thief."

Y/n froze up.

"Am I in trouble..?"

Wahlberg shook his head.

"No, you're not."


"I want you to join Easton Magic Academy."





"And I'll be your tutor."



[End of Chapter IV]


Unknown (Male Reader x Mashle - Magic and Muscles)Where stories live. Discover now