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The headmaster was sitting quietly in his office. A cup of a not-so-child-friendly drink and papers on his desk.

The door opened without any warning, revealing Y/n who was holding a piece of paper.

Y/n walked inside and closed the door behind him. The old man seemed a little surprised at the entrance.

"Gramps, can you do me a favor?"

Wahlberg tilted his head a bit before putting down his pen.

"Go on, Y/n."

"You see... I have a little brother that..."




Wahlberg hummed to himself after hearing his student's story. 

A child without magic wanting to attend a magic school? How bizarre.

Y/n shifted in his spot, hands fiddling in nervousness.

Wahlberg sighed. 

"And what about that paper you're holding?"

Y/n then put the paper on the desk. An application.

"As prepared as you usually are."

The old man chuckled before signing the application.

Y/n visibly looked puzzled and relieved. He had not expected him to accept.

Wahlberg wrote something else Y/n didn't see before the paper was sent away using magic.

"So... You don't mind a magicless student in your school? Even though it may ruin your reputation?"

"Hohoho... Of course not. I have a feeling about him... Something big is going to happen."


Y/n paced around in his private dorm.

He wanted to watch Mash's entrance exam, but Wahlberg said that it would only attract unnecessary attention.




But who was he to comply? 




Perhaps the fact that he was Wahlberg's student and was on a secret mission that the old man had tasked him.




Fuck it.

His brother was more important!

Y/n ran out of his dorm and swiftly made his way to the entrance exam location.


Right when Y/n arrived, he saw the professor pointing his wand at Mash and a yellow-haired girl. 

A nonchalant smile formed on his face as he seemingly teleported right in front of the professor and punched him in the face.

"Claude Lucci. What do you think you're doing?"

Y/n looked down at Lucci with a menacing glare.

The professor let out a small gasp as he felt his nose dripping with blood.

"D-divine Visionary Y/n-! How- Why-?"

Divine Visionary was one of Y/n's many titles.

The students around came to see the commotion as Y/n turned around. 

He walked toward Mash and immediately inspected his arms and face.

"You're alright? No injuries? No nothing? Or are you hiding it?"

Y/n went on a ramble. 

Behind him, Lucci was charging up his own magic, pointing his wand at Y/n's back. 

Shadow tendrils enveloped Lucci's arm that was holding the wand and broke it in half.

Lucci screamed in agony.

"Let him go, Y/n."

A booming voice said from above.

Y/n let out a huff and the shadow tendrils disappeared.

Wahlberg landed on the ground gracefully, everybody gasping at his appearance.

"Claude Lucci, see me in my office later, and Y/n, do try to control yourself."

"No promises."

Wahlberg sighed as he teleported Y/n and Mash away. 


[End of V]


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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