Zipping Zian Cafe, the modern Al's Pancake World

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Gerald's P.O.V-

We decided to eat at one of the cafes here on campus. 

"What is this place called?" I asked Ollie as she opened the door for us to go in. I usually go to the same place because it's near where I live. I see this place in passing and I know lots of students frequent here during the day.

"It's called Zipping Zian Cafe; they have the best food. You seriously need to come here more often." She suggests.

"Yeah, I should try out new places." 

It doesn't take us long to order our food since there are not a lot of people here right now. We pick a seat by the window that overlooks most of the campus. Some students sit outside on the lawn eating lunch with friends, while the stereotypical college students are playing frisbee. 

Ollie bought a plate of 12 hot chicken wings with celery sticks and ranch, while I picked a Philly cheese steak sandwich with fries and coffee. 

"Now, why would you order that type of food with a coffee?" she asked me, biting into her third chicken wing. Some of the hot sauce drips out the corner of her mouth. Most girls try not to eat in front of guys, it's a whole weight thing. 

Not Ollie, she's obviously hungry and is not trying to be modest about it. 

"I usually drink coffee in the morning, it's almost like a drug at this point. So, when I don't have it, I get a major headache. I can't have that today; I have practice in two hours." 

She points to my food, "Then should you be eating all that, won't it make you heavy?" 

"No, but if I was eating this 20 or 30 minutes before I went on the field, then it would be a disaster. I would be throwing up all over the place. Do you not drink coffee?" I know college students practically live off caffeine. It's a drug that I don't want to stop taking, or in my case, drink.

"Nope, coffee stunts your growth." 

I chuckle, "That is so not true. Lots of articles have debunked that theory." 

"Well, I don't want to drink coffee and it happens."

"I guess you're right, I don't know why you're worried about that you are already as short as can be." I joke with her, to which her eyes light up with shock. I have jokes, not too many but some.

"Funny and handsome, I better watch out for you." She moves on to her eighth wing.

"Where does all that food go?" I take a sip of my coffee, it's still too hot.

And what she says next makes me choke on the already hot coffee in my mouth, "My ass. Hey, are you ok?" She leans across the table, patting my back.

"Thank you." I choke out, she sits back in her chair, but I can still see her being hesitant, wondering if I'm really ok.

"I'm fine, it would have been embarrassing if you had to give me the Heimlich." 

"I don't even think I could get my arms around you, you would just have to die I guess." She wipes her hands on her napkin.

"The price I would have to pay for not being careful." I take a big bite out of my sandwich, with the meat and cheese all mixed it's like biting into heaven. Ok, it's settled, I'm coming here every day to get this sandwich.

"So, since we're going to be here a while because I'm not leaving until all these wings are eaten, tell me about your friends." 

"My friends, huh? This conversation is going to be short because I only have two. One is Emily, whom you just met, and the other one is Lonny, whom you met at Jump on the Moon. That's it." 

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