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Chapter 3: Not so okay meet

It is morning in Gru resident with Felix eating his favorite breakfast. Pancakes. Suddenly the door open and Gru came in the dining room, wearing a Rastafarian disguise.

"Hahahaha! What are you wearing?" Felix laughed at him. Gru gave him unamused look.

"Well this is my disguise as for you to know Felix. I'm going to Vector to steal back the shrink ray." Gru said to him grabbing the artificial dog.

"Alone?" Felix asked.

"Yes, unless you want to come with me?" Gru said to making Felix quickly shake his head.

"Nope! You're good to go!" Felix said making Gru look at him in question.

"Why you don't want to come?" Gru asked.

"Because I know you'll be beaten up so I'm good!" Felix smirk making Gru glare at him before standing.

"Actually I might walk a bit. Anyway good luck stealing the shrink ray." Felix said before walking off the dining room.

Felix close the door as he step outside, he put his headphones on and play the music. He walk away from the house and walk few streets. He keep walking for minutes while listening his music.

[INSERT: AC DC Back in the Black]

Back in black

I hit the sack

I've been too long, I'm glad to be back

Yes, I'm let loose

From the noose

That's kept me hanging about

I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high

Forget the hearse 'cause I never die

I got nine lives

Cat's eyes

Abusin' every one of them and running wild

"Cause I'm back. Yes, I'm back. Well, I'm back. Yes, I'm back. Well, I'm back, back. Well, I'm back in black. Yes, I'm back in black" Felix sing along in the music in his headphones while nodding his head. He open his eyes and continue walking when suddenly he sees something far.

He squint his eyes saw a little kid not far away. He pause his music as he get closer to the little girl. He stop and he saw the little girl crying. He pull down his headphones to his neck and kneel down.

"Hey little girl, what's up? Why are you crying?" Felix asked as the girl sniff and look up.

"I-I'm l-lost... M-M-My b-big sisters... I-I-I couldn't find them..." The girl sniff. Felix look up and look around, he definitely recognize the place but the he and the little girl is the only ones around.

"Okay Felix relax. You have a love little girl who you don't know crying here with only you being around. Great." Felix sigh before he looks at the girl.

"Lucky me..." Felix whispered as his anti-social personality kick in.

"U-Um... Do you have any name?" Felix asked as the girl nodded.

"Yes. Agnes." Agnes sniff.

"Okay Agnes I'm going to be honest I'm not really good at communicating with others but I'm sure you'll find your sister somewhere." Felix said before he stand up straight.

"You're gonna help me mister?" Agnes asked as Felix put his hand on his pocket.

"Uh... Yes I guess..." Felix said as he look at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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